Thread: Learning more about attaches

Learning more about attaches

"Gauthier, Dave"



PG V8.3.4 running on Linux.


I have a DB with a bunch of users attached as gleaned from “ps auxww | grep postgres”.  How can I learn more about these users, who they are if coming in via the net, what kind of resources they are using, what they are running, how I can kill them?


I’m open to any good DBA monitoring software downloads.



Re: Learning more about attaches

Chris Ernst
Well.. the "quick and dirty" start would be:

  SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

As for a good management tool, I would recommend pgAdmin3:

    - Chris

On 01/29/2010 12:34 PM, Gauthier, Dave wrote:
> Hi:
> PG V8.3.4 running on Linux.
> I have a DB with a bunch of users attached as gleaned from “ps auxww |
> grep postgres”.  How can I learn more about these users, who they are if
> coming in via the net, what kind of resources they are using, what they
> are running, how I can kill them?
> I’m open to any good DBA monitoring software downloads.
> Thanks!