Thread: 8.4.1 & 8.4.2 require map=... for ident in the pg_hba.conf file, will this be the new way?

8.4.1 & 8.4.2 require map=... for ident in the pg_hba.conf file, will this be the new way?

Claudio Eichenberger

In older PostgreSQL installations < 8.4 I used the following pg_hba.conf syntax:

        local   all     pgsql   ident   PGSQL

but 8.4.1 & 8.4.2 require the following syntax:

    local   all     pgsql   ident   map=PGSQL

Will this be the new way for all future releases?

Thanks in advance for your answer


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On tis, 2010-01-05 at 16:35 +0100, Claudio Eichenberger wrote:
> Hello,
> In older PostgreSQL installations < 8.4 I used the following pg_hba.conf syntax:
>         local   all     pgsql   ident   PGSQL
> but 8.4.1 & 8.4.2 require the following syntax:
>     local   all     pgsql   ident   map=PGSQL
> Will this be the new way for all future releases?

Yes, at least until someone has an idea to change it again. ;-)