Thread: optimisations to aggregates

optimisations to aggregates

Sam Mason

I've just realised that I'm performing the same rewrite on lots of my
queries to get performance reasonable.  They take the form of something

  SELECT a.x, b.y, COUNT(*) AS n
  FROM foo a, bar b
  WHERE a.z = b.z
  GROUP BY a.x, b.y;

And I rewrite them to:

  SELECT a.x, b.y, SUM(b.count) AS n
  FROM foo a, (
    SELECT y, z, COUNT(*)
    FROM bar
    GROUP BY y, z) b
  WHERE a.z = b.z
  GROUP BY a.x, b.y;

Obviously this is only a win when "bar" is large enough that doing the
aggregation reduces the number of rows significantly, hence we're also
predicated on there being a small number of distinct (y,z) values.

This seems like a somewhat easy rewrite that the planner could be doing
itself, but the general case seems harder.  Extending the aggregate
abstraction as I suggested here:

would make this transform possible in the general case.  It still seems
a bit fiddly to detect though.
