Thread: postgresql installation problems

postgresql installation problems

Reno Bladergroen
Probably the following might have been asked before, but I've been
searching the web for the following problem for 2 days already:
I need to install an end-user application which demands 2 postgresql
users each owning its own database.
One user+database is used for a data management system (I call this
one GUS), the other for the front-end application (a data-analysis
program), I call that QPCR.
So I installed postgreSQL according to the documentation. A server is
running on port 5432 now.
Now the question: when i try to install the application, the
installation demands to set the port for each user separately. When i
try to use 5432 for both databases an error pops up with the
notification that that port is already used by QPCR and therefore
can't be used by GUS. How do I set a port for each user separately??
Do I need to install two clusters (and how do I do that?)

I hope someone can help me with this.

Thanks already,


Re: postgresql installation problems

John DeSoi
On Nov 13, 2009, at 8:05 PM, Reno Bladergroen wrote:

> Probably the following might have been asked before, but I've been searching the web for the following problem for 2
> I need to install an end-user application which demands 2 postgresql users each owning its own database.
> One user+database is used for a data management system (I call this one GUS), the other for the front-end application
(adata-analysis program), I call that QPCR. 
> So I installed postgreSQL according to the documentation. A server is running on port 5432 now.
> Now the question: when i try to install the application, the installation demands to set the port for each user
separately.When i try to use 5432 for both databases an error pops up with the notification that that port is already
usedby QPCR and therefore can't be used by GUS. How do I set a port for each user separately?? Do I need to install two
clusters(and how do I do that?) 

The requirement that each database use a different port is rather strange. A single cluster (which uses one port) can
havea virtually unlimited number of users and databases. So yes, you will have to install two clusters, or (depending
onyour platform) there is probably some easy port forwarding trick where you can have one cluster but two possible
ports.Installing two clusters means running initdb for two different directories and configuring them for different

John DeSoi, Ph.D.