Thread: grants on pg_stats_activity

grants on pg_stats_activity

JC Praud
Hi all,

I'm trying to monitor databases with munin. For security reasons I guess it is better to create a specialized user "munin" or like that and grant it only the necessary rights: no superuser rights, nor write access on my applications databases.

My problem is, this user cannot access to info of pg_stat_activity view. It can only count the entries, but I would want to monitor waiting, and IDLE/IDLE in transaction connections.
Is that possible ?

As seen in an old post, I tried grant select on pg_stat_activity and pg_authid, to no avail.

The PostgreSQL version I use is the 8.3. But I will need it also on 8.4


Ph'nglui  mglw'nafh  Cthulhu  n'gah  Bill  R'lyeh  Wgah'nagl fhtagn!