Thread: Question re 2 aggregates from 1 query
Assume a simple many-to-one between 2 tables: create table docs (id int8 primary key, timestamp imported_when); create table pages (id int8 primary key, doc_id int8 not null references docs); It's easy to get a count of docs imported by date: select imported_when::date, count(1) from docs group by imported_when::date; It's easy to get a count of pages imported by date: select imported_when::date, count(1) from docs, pages where = pages.doc_id group by imported_when::date; Is there any way to get count of docs & pages imported by date without resorting to selecting from a select: select dt, count(1), numpgs from ( select docs.imported_when::date as dt, count(1) as numpgs from docs, pages where = pages.doc_id group by docs.imported_when::date, ) as t1 group by dt order by dt; -- Scott Ribe (303) 722-0567 voice
Yes, obviously that should have been sum(numpgs) in the select list of the last query... Question remains the same... -- Scott Ribe (303) 722-0567 voice
> > Is there any way to get count of docs & pages imported by date without > resorting to selecting from a select: [Spotts, Christopher] If I understand you correctly..? create table docs (id int8 primary key, imported_when timestamp ); create table pages (id int8 primary key, doc_id int8 not null references docs); INSERT INTO docs values (1,now()),(2,now()),(3,now()),(4,now()- interval '1 day'); INSERT INTO pages values (1,1),(2,1),(3,2),(4,2),(5,3),(6,4),(7,4),(8,4); select imported_when::date, count(distinct,count(distinct from docs, pages where = pages.doc_id group by imported_when::date;
> If I understand you correctly..? Yes, exactly! I think I was suffering from a flashback to a very old DBMS that didn't support that use of distinct... -- Scott Ribe (303) 722-0567 voice