Thread: How to initiate a new log file?

How to initiate a new log file?

While debugging applications interacting with pg, the log file (under
pg_log) gets quite long.  The log file typically has a name such as
postgresql-2009-05-26_000000.log; sometimes an new file will be
generated on the same day and the portion of the name that is all
zeroes will change to a larger number for each change during that day.

I would like to know what triggers the name change and how can I force
a change.


Re: How to initiate a new log file?

John R Pierce
ray wrote:
> While debugging applications interacting with pg, the log file (under
> pg_log) gets quite long.  The log file typically has a name such as
> postgresql-2009-05-26_000000.log; sometimes an new file will be
> generated on the same day and the portion of the name that is all
> zeroes will change to a larger number for each change during that day.
> I would like to know what triggers the name change and how can I force
> a change.

by default, a new log is created at midnight (hence the _000000) and
when the server is restarted (which would have a timestamp related to
when it was restarted)

you can force a new logfile with...

    SELECT |pg_rotate_logfile|();