Thread: Re: Part way there, how do I complete it

Re: Part way there, how do I complete it

On Apr 15, 3:15 pm, ray <> wrote:
> I have just installed pgsql on a Windows XP from my administrator
> 1)  The encoding is win1252, I wanted to make it unicode but I missed
> where to make that happen.  Can I change it for those things already
> built and for things in the future?  

I found that I can change this through the properties tab for the
existing db.

> 4)  Up to this point, there has been no change in the look or behavior
> of pgAdminIII.  So I went to File|Add server.  I added test01.  Now I
> do not like what I see in the object browser.  Can I change it?  It
> looks like:
>   Servers(1)
>     test01(localhost:5432)
>       Databases (2)
>         postgres
>         test
>       Tablespaces . . .
> Postgres and test dbs only showed up after I defined test01.  I do not
> want the top level server to be test01.  Is there a convension as to
> how to name this?  I expect to use pgsl for 4 different applications.
> I don't know if I can or should make these different servers or
> different databases.  And how do I change it?  What are the
> considerations?

I have found that I can change this by 'dropping' the test01 and
creating a new one.  I would still like to know what naming
convensions are and how to choose a new server or db.


Re: Part way there, how do I complete it

On Apr 15, 4:17 pm, ray <> wrote:
> On Apr 15, 3:15 pm, ray <> wrote:
> > I have just installed pgsql on a Windows XP from my administrator
> <snip>

I closed down everything and tried to start back up and failed.  From
pgAdmin, there is a red 'x' in the icon for my new server.  When I try
to connect to the server I get an error message entitled "Server
doesn't listen".  In a command window, I have this interaction:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>"pg_ctl" -D "Files/PostgreSQL/8.3/
data" -l logfile start
server starting

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>pg_ctl stop -m fast
pg_ctl: PID file "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.3/data/"
does not exist
Is server running?

The Properties tab shows:
Connected?  No

So it looks like neither method works now.  The log file contains:
postgres cannot access the server configuration file "C:/Program Files/
PostgreSQL/8.3/bin/Files/PostgreSQL/8.3/ data/postgresql.conf": No
such file or directory

It looks like there are two problems here:
1)  The part of the string /8.3/ data/ has a space in it before
'data'.  The actual path does not.  I don't know how to get it pointed
to the right location.
2)  There seems to be redundant locations.  I also have that same conf
file in:  C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data
I think this later location is correct.  Should I try to point it in
the right direction (how?) or should I attempt to reinstall the whole

I would appreciate any comments.


Re: Part way there, how do I complete it

On Apr 15, 5:50 pm, ray <> wrote:
> On Apr 15, 4:17 pm, ray <> wrote:
I am trying to re-installed PostgreSQL.  I have chosen a different
process.  I am installing it as a service.  After much time at the
'Starting Services' window, it says that I have insufficient
previleges to start services.  I am an administrator on the machine
and I start and stop services.

Any ideas what may be going wrong and what I might do to get them


Re: Part way there, how do I complete it

On Apr 16, 1:35 pm, ray <> wrote:
> On Apr 15, 5:50 pm, ray <> wrote:> On Apr 15, 4:17 pm, ray <> wrote:
> I am trying to re-installed PostgreSQL.  I have chosen a different
> process.  I am installing it as a service.  After much time at the
> 'Starting Services' window, it says that I have insufficient
> previleges to start services.  I am an administrator on the machine
> and I start and stop services.
> Any ideas what may be going wrong and what I might do to get them
> working?
> Ray

The method I used to resolve this was to:
1)  Use Control Panel to Remove the previous installation.  It left
behind the 'data' folder.
2)  Install with the msi file choosing not to install as a service.
3)  After installation was complete, the log stated:
 MSI (c) (38:10) [07:57:45:317]: Product: PostgreSQL 8.3 --
Installation completed successfully.
4)  I set the environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to 'C:\pgHome
5)  Set the environment variable PGDATA to 'C:\pgHome\8.3\data'.
6)  Renamed the old 'data' folder to 'data_old'.
7)  From the command prompt, I executed 'initdb' with no parameters
allowing PGDATA to drive the location, which responded with:
  Success. You can now start the database server using: . . .
8)  Executed:  'pg_ctl -l firstlogfile.txt start' which produced a
logfile in the bin folder (from where the command was issued).
9)  Executed 'createdb' to produce a new database under my logon name.
10)  From pgAdmin3, the new server was visible.
11)  From pgAdmin3, I set 3 more connections which established 3
12)  From pgAdmin3, I dropped the original server setup from the
command line.
13)  Each server has 2 databases: postgres and myname.

Now, if I can just find out if these are persistant and useful . . .
