Thread: Read a CLOB data from an Oracle table and INSERT it into a BYTEA column in Postgres using jdbc?

Im reading from an Oracle table and inserting the values to a postgres table thro' jdbc. Everything works fine except
forthe BLOB data in Oracle. 

My code snippet ...

  while (
          for (int m=1;m<=colCount;m++)
              pstmt.setObject(m, rs1.getObject(m));

This inserts the data into teh postgres table but gives this error for a BLOB datatype....
 Exception in thread "main" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "columnXXX" is of type bytea but
expressionis of type bigint 

Any thoughts?


You are fetching an Oracle LOB locator. I am not a guru of OCI let alone JDBC but AFAIK you should create a LOB descriptor, bind it to the locator and load the LOB data that you can insert into postgres.