Thread: Fulltext: problem with english words in german text

Fulltext: problem with english words in german text

Torsten Zühlsdorff

i have a problem with understanding fulltext search in PG 8.3.


CREATE TABLE tfulltext (body text, fulltext tsvector);

INSERT INTO tfulltext VALUES ('title und description sind wichtige
grundlagen', to_tsvector('pg_catalog.german', 'title und description
sind wichtige grundlagen'));

SELECT * from tfulltext;
                       body                      |
  title und description sind wichtige grundlagen | 'titl':1 'wichtig':5
'grundlag':6 'description':3

I expect, that the query:
SELECT * FROM tfulltext WHERE fulltext @@ to_tsquery('title');

Will return the entry. But the result-set is empty. If i use 'titl'
(without 'e') as parameter of to_tsquery it returns the entry.

I try to cast the search-parameter to ts_vector, but it didn't work. How
can i solve the problem?

Thanks for every hint and greetings from Germany,
-- - ein Datenbank-Layer, der die Arbeit mit 8
verschiedenen Datenbanksystemen abstrahiert,
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