Thread: Re: overlaps behaviour - ('2006-03-01'::TimeStamp, '2007-12-01'::TimeStamp) overlaps ('2007-12-01'::TimeStamp, 'Infinity'::TimeStamp)

2009/2/23 Marek Lewczuk <>:
> Hello,
> I can't find SQL definition for OVERLAPS operator so I don't know
> whether following expression's result (false) is appropriate
> behaviour:
> select ('2006-03-01'::TimeStamp, '2007-12-01'::TimeStamp) overlaps
> ('2007-12-01'::TimeStamp, 'Infinity'::TimeStamp)
> Can anyone confirm that ? In my understanding of "overlaps" it should
> result true, as those two periods overlaps in 2007-12-01.
> psql (PostgreSQL) 8.3.5
Ok. Sorry for that question. I found SQL92 definition and it seems,
that PG implementation is just fine.

Best regards,