Thread: debugging plpgsql functions

debugging plpgsql functions

Hi all,

I have a few plpgsql functions to debug to see why they are slow.

They consist of a bunch of sql statements using new.* / old.* variables
(ie not using "EXECUTE", the sql is being called directly).

Is there a way to capture the actual sql that's being executed with
variables substituted in, or even an easy way to log the variables being

I couldn't see anything in the manual but maybe I missed something - any
pointers appreciated.

I tried but after loading
the module, the functions wouldn't run properly (can't remember the
error message but I can do it again if need be).

Postgresql & php tutorials

Re: debugging plpgsql functions

Chris wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a few plpgsql functions to debug to see why they are slow.
> They consist of a bunch of sql statements using new.* / old.*
> variables (ie not using "EXECUTE", the sql is being called directly).
> Is there a way to capture the actual sql that's being executed with
> variables substituted in, or even an easy way to log the variables
> being used?
> I couldn't see anything in the manual but maybe I missed something -
> any pointers appreciated.
> I tried but after loading
> the module, the functions wouldn't run properly (can't remember the
> error message but I can do it again if need be).
Debugging  sql functions is sometimes a not to fun event.  pgdebugger
has some gotchas that will bite you big time.  One big item don't run
pgdebugger in a production machine i've  had lock  process and its done
some other odd things.   I normally run the pgdebugger on a windows
install as it will install it for you. and use pgadmin two step through
the code.

One option use Raise Notice to  see whats in a variable example
RAISE NOTICE  'Var1 %, Var2 %, ' , MemoryVar1, MemoryVar2 ;

then look whats returned to the client.  Again i use pgAdmin for this as
it shows me all the messages sent from the server and keeps a nice easy
to read history.