Thread: Porting from Oracle PL/SQL

Porting from Oracle PL/SQL

Daniel Clark
While doing a Google search recently, I found a nice site located at
The number and quality of Postgres related book titles has grown, and greatly
improved over the years. With the increased popularity of Open Source
databases, has anyone given any thought towards publishing a title focused on
migrating apps from Oracle to Postgres? Or maybe a title focused exclusively
on PL/pgSQL? It's just a thought, no criticism whatsover. Good day.

Re: Porting from Oracle PL/SQL

"Scott Marlowe"
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Daniel Clark <> wrote:
> While doing a Google search recently, I found a nice site located at
> The number and quality of Postgres related book titles has grown, and greatly
> improved over the years. With the increased popularity of Open Source
> databases, has anyone given any thought towards publishing a title focused on
> migrating apps from Oracle to Postgres? Or maybe a title focused exclusively
> on PL/pgSQL? It's just a thought, no criticism whatsover. Good day.

I would totally buy an in depth book on plpgsql.  Or one that split
between that and custome C functions.