Thread: Granting read-only access to an existing database?

Granting read-only access to an existing database?

"Eric Jain"
What's the simplest way to grant read-only access to an existing
database? One approach I guess would be to create a user who has
SELECT but not INSERT etc privileges. But it appears that GRANT SELECT
does not work at the schema or database level. This means I'd not only
have to create hundreds of GRANT statements, but also remember to
issue an additional GRANT whenever a new table is created!

I came across some PL/pgSQL procedures for doing batch GRANTs, but
they appear to be outdated (i.e. don't work with 8.3) and are "run at
your own risk". There was also mention that pgAdmin had a function to
batch GRANTs, but I couldn't find any such thing in the current

Any other ideas?

Re: Granting read-only access to an existing database?

Raymond O'Donnell
On 14/11/2008 00:24, Eric Jain wrote:
> your own risk". There was also mention that pgAdmin had a function to
> batch GRANTs, but I couldn't find any such thing in the current
> version...

Right-click on the schema in the tree, select "Grant wizard" from the
context menu, and you're off.


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
Galway Cathedral Recitals:

Re: Granting read-only access to an existing database?

Richard Huxton
Eric Jain wrote:
> I came across some PL/pgSQL procedures for doing batch GRANTs, but
> they appear to be outdated (i.e. don't work with 8.3) and are "run at
> your own risk". There was also mention that pgAdmin had a function to
> batch GRANTs, but I couldn't find any such thing in the current
> version...

Must be pretty old if they don't work in 8.3. I've attached code for a
plpgsql exec_all function that matches table-names etc per schema.
Should be obvious enough how to wrap it for a grant_all or revoke_all
function. It assumes you've got a "util" schema to put it in.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd
-- This code is being placed in the public domain - R.Huxton 2008

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION util.exec_all(objtype name, schname name, objname name, cmd text) RETURNS text
    AS $$
    obj_qry TEXT := '';
    r   RECORD;
    sql TEXT;
    out TEXT;
    out := cmd || ': ';

    -- Tables includes views
    IF objtype = 'tables' THEN
        obj_qry := $a$SELECT table_name AS nm FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=$a$ ||
quote_literal(schname)|| $a$ AND table_name LIKE $a$ || quote_literal(objname); 
    ELSIF objtype = 'tables-base' THEN
        obj_qry := $a$SELECT table_name AS nm FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE' AND
table_schema=$a$|| quote_literal(schname) || $a$ AND table_name LIKE $a$ || quote_literal(objname); 
    ELSIF objtype = 'views' THEN
        obj_qry := $a$SELECT table_name AS nm FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type='VIEW' AND
table_schema=$a$|| quote_literal(schname) || $a$ AND table_name LIKE $a$ || quote_literal(objname); 
    ELSIF objtype = 'sequences' THEN
        obj_qry := $a$SELECT sequence_name AS nm FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_schema=$a$ ||
quote_literal(schname)|| $a$ AND sequence_name LIKE $a$ || quote_literal(objname); 
    END IF;

    FOR r IN EXECUTE obj_qry LOOP
        sql := regexp_replace( cmd, E'\\?\\?', quote_ident(r.nm), 'g' );
        sql := regexp_replace( sql, E'\\?', quote_ident(schname) || '.' || quote_ident(r.nm), 'g' );
        EXECUTE sql;
        out := out || r.nm || ' ';

    RETURN out;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

COMMENT ON FUNCTION util.exec_all(name,name,name,text) IS $$

Runs COMMAND-TEXT over the database objects matched by the wildcarded pattern in OBJECT-NAME.

OBJECT-TYPE:  tables | tables-base | views | sequences
SCHEMA:       name of a single schema
OBJECT-NAME:  wildcarded name (e.g. 'sales_%')
COMMAND-TEXT: SQL statement(s) to execute, with object-names replaced by '?' or '??'
              ?? is replaced by the object-name
              ?  is replaced by the full <schema-name>.<object-name>

util.exec_all('tables', 'reports', '%', 'GRANT SELECT ON ? TO someuser');