Thread: Fulltext index

Fulltext index

Andreas Kraftl
Hello again,

my previous post wasn't answered. I think i told my question wrong :-).

I have a table like
a    | b
'de' | Hallo welt
'en' | Hello world

How can I create a full text index over b?
CREATE INDEX idx ON table USING gin(
        when a = 'de' then 'german'
        when a = 'en' then 'english'
        else 'english'
), b);

This doesn't work. Error Message in german:
FEHLER: Zugriffsmethode »gin« unterstützt keine mehrspaltigen Indexe
SQL state: 0A000
means, gin doesn't accept multicolumn indexes.

Any ideas?

Greetings Andreas
Kraftl EDV - Dienstleistungen
Linux, Linuxschulungen, Webprogrammierung
Autofabrikstraße 16/6
1230 Wien

Re: Fulltext index

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
On Sat, 08 Nov 2008 09:44:17 +0100
Andreas Kraftl <> wrote:

> Hello again,

> my previous post wasn't answered. I think i told my question
> wrong :-).
> I have a table like
> a    | b
> --------------------
> 'de' | Hallo welt
> 'en' | Hello world
> How can I create a full text index over b?
> CREATE INDEX idx ON table USING gin(
> to_tsvector(
>     case
>         when a = 'de' then 'german'
>         when a = 'en' then 'english'
>         else 'english'
>     end
> ), b);
> This doesn't work. Error Message in german:
> FEHLER: Zugriffsmethode »gin« unterstützt keine mehrspaltigen
> Indexe SQL state: 0A000
> means, gin doesn't accept multicolumn indexes.
> Any ideas?

Multicolumn indexes should get into 8.4.

You may add a column tsvector and compute it with a trigger that
chose the correct language when generating the tsvector.
Then you'll have to pick up the correct language when you generate
the tsquery in your search.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

Re: Fulltext index

Oleg Bartunov
On Sat, 8 Nov 2008, Andreas Kraftl wrote:

> Hello again,
> my previous post wasn't answered. I think i told my question wrong :-).
> I have a table like
> a    | b
> --------------------
> 'de' | Hallo welt
> 'en' | Hello world
> How can I create a full text index over b?

use concatenation operator: tsvector('de',b_de) || tsvector('en',b_en)

> CREATE INDEX idx ON table USING gin(
> to_tsvector(
>     case
>         when a = 'de' then 'german'
>         when a = 'en' then 'english'
>         else 'english'
>     end
> ), b);
> This doesn't work. Error Message in german:
> FEHLER: Zugriffsmethode ЪЪginЪЪ unterstЪЪtzt keine mehrspaltigen Indexe
> SQL state: 0A000
> means, gin doesn't accept multicolumn indexes.
> Any ideas?
> Greetings Andreas

Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83

Re: Fulltext index

Tom Lane
Andreas Kraftl <> writes:
> CREATE INDEX idx ON table USING gin(
> to_tsvector(
>     case
>         when a = 'de' then 'german'
>         when a = 'en' then 'english'
>         else 'english'
>     end
> ), b);

> This doesn't work. Error Message in german:
> FEHLER: Zugriffsmethode »gin« unterstützt keine mehrspaltigen Indexe
> SQL state: 0A000
> means, gin doesn't accept multicolumn indexes.

You've got the parentheses in the wrong place.

The way I'd suggest doing this is

regression=# create table tab (a regconfig, b text);
regression=# create index idx on tab using gin(to_tsvector(a,b));
regression=# explain select * from tab where to_tsvector(a,b) @@ to_tsquery('english','foo');
                           QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using idx on tab  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=36)
   Index Cond: (to_tsvector(a, b) @@ '''foo'''::tsquery)
(2 rows)

If you want to use abbreviations like 'en' and 'de', create text search
configurations named that way instead of inserting a run-time

            regards, tom lane

Re: Fulltext index

Andreas Kraftl
Am Sat, 08 Nov 2008 09:44:17 +0100 schrieb Andreas Kraftl:
> How can I create a full text index over b?


thanks for the answers. But nothing matches my problem.

I read the manual again and decide me for an other way.
I change my table that it looks like:

lang    | text
german  | hallo welt
english | hello world

Then i follow the manual which says:
 It is possible to set up more complex expression indexes wherein the
configuration name is specified by another column, e.g.:
CREATE INDEX pgweb_idx ON pgweb USING gin(to_tsvector(config_name, body));

 It is possible to set up more complex expression indexes wherein the
configuration name is specified by another column, e.g.:

I did a
CREATE INDEX idx ON test.test1 USING gin(to_tsvector(lang, "text"));
CREATE INDEX idx ON test.test1 USING gin(to_tsvector(lang::regconfig,

For both I get this error in german:
FEHLER:  Funktionen im Indexausdruck müssen als IMMUTABLE markiert sein
SQL state: 42P17
means in english
functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE

Now I have no idea. My experience with databases and postgresql are too
less to decide if this is a bug, or myself is the bug ;-).

Thanks again for help

Re: Fulltext index

Sam Mason
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 09:14:21AM +0100, Andreas Kraftl wrote:
> Am Sat, 08 Nov 2008 09:44:17 +0100 schrieb Andreas Kraftl:
> > How can I create a full text index over b?
> thanks for the answers. But nothing matches my problem.

I'm not sure what's wrong with Oleg's suggestion--he's the guy who wrote
most of the code so his suggestions should be reasonable!  I'm just
learning about this stuff myself, so it may be somewhat sub-optimal.
That said, I got things working when doing the following:

    lang TEXT,
    text TEXT

    ('german',  'hallo welt'),
    ('english', 'hello world');

  CREATE INDEX idx ON test USING gin(tsvector_concat(
    to_tsvector('german',  CASE lang WHEN 'german'  THEN text ELSE '' END),
    to_tsvector('english', CASE lang WHEN 'english' THEN text ELSE '' END)));

"text" as a column name gets a bit confusing to read, but I'm trying
to follow your names.  Also my version of PG didn't seem to know that
the '||' operator knows how to concat tsvectors, so I had to spell out
tsvector_concat in full.  Querying is a bit awkward, but works:

  FROM test
  WHERE tsvector_concat(
    to_tsvector('english', CASE lang WHEN 'english' THEN text ELSE '' END),
    to_tsvector('german',  CASE lang WHEN 'german'  THEN text ELSE '' END))
      @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hello');

Putting most of the above into a query would work, as would having PG
automatically maintaining a column of type TSVECTOR.

> I read the manual again and decide me for an other way.
> I change my table that it looks like:
> lang    | text
> ----------------------
> german  | hallo welt
> english | hello world

What types do these columns have? if "lang" is of type REGCONFIG all
works for me:

    lang REGCONFIG,
    text TEXT

    ('german',  'hallo welt'),
    ('english', 'hello world');

  CREATE INDEX idx ON test USING gin(to_tsvector(lang, text));

  FROM test
  WHERE to_tsvector(lang, text) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hello');

This all seems much easier than having "lang" as a TEXT column.

> Now I have no idea. My experience with databases and postgresql are too
> less to decide if this is a bug, or myself is the bug ;-).

I think the awkward thing is that text/strings are visually indistin-
guishable from arbitrary literals in SQL.  The 'english' that's going
into the to_tsquery() call above is actually of type REGCONFIG, but it
looks like a string literal.  I think that could be why you were getting
confused before.

Hope that all makes sense and helps a bit!


Re: Fulltext index

Sam Mason
Before waking up properly, I wrote:
> Querying is a bit awkward, but works:
>   SELECT *
>   FROM test
>   WHERE tsvector_concat(
>     to_tsvector('english', CASE lang WHEN 'english' THEN text ELSE '' END),
>     to_tsvector('german',  CASE lang WHEN 'german'  THEN text ELSE '' END))
>       @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hello');
> Putting most of the above into a query would work

That should be "Putting most of the above into a VIEW would work"!  The
example would be:

  SELECT lang, text, tsvector_concat(
    to_tsvector('english', CASE lang WHEN 'english' THEN text ELSE '' END),
    to_tsvector('german',  CASE lang WHEN 'german'  THEN text ELSE '' END))
      AS tsvec
  FROM test;

Allowing you to do:

  SELECT lang, text
  FROM test_v
  WHERE tsvec @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hello');
