Thread: JDBC: How to pass array in prepared statement for stored procedure execution?

Hi list,
This question is general for any database JDBC but I think it's ok if
I post it here.
Lets say I have s stored procedure which gets an array of objects like
one of it IN parameters.
How can I pass an array of my objects into JDBC PreparedStatement object?
The only recomendation I saw was to pass an object which implements
Array interface,
but it looks quite complex for such a common task and not all methods
are well understandable to me.
Can anyone give a simple example of how it can be done?

alebu <> writes:
> How can I pass an array of my objects into JDBC PreparedStatement object?

The folks who would know this are more likely to notice your question
if you ask on pgsql-jdbc ...

            regards, tom lane