Thread: GEQO randomness?

GEQO randomness?

Eric Schwarzenbach
This is in a sense a followup to my post with subject "Wildly erratic
query performance".

The more I think about it the only thing that makes sense of my results
is if the query planner really WAS choosing my join order truly randomly
each time. I went digging into the manual and Section 49.3.1.
"Generating Possible Plans with GEQO" says

"In the initial stage, the GEQO code simply generates some possible join
sequences at random."

Now ordinarily I would interpret this use of the word "random" loosely, to
mean "arbitrarily" or "using some non-meaningful selection criteria". But
given what I am seeing, this leads me to consider that "random" is meant
literally, and that it actually uses a random number generator to choose paths. Can
someone confirm that this really is the case?

If so, I is this really a good idea? Is non-deterministic behavior really
acceptable? I would think it would be much more sensible to have it
operate deterministically (such as with some predetermined random
sequence of numbers used repeatedly).


Re: GEQO randomness?

Tom Lane
Eric Schwarzenbach <> writes:
> Now ordinarily I would interpret this use of the word "random" loosely, to
> mean "arbitrarily" or "using some non-meaningful selection criteria". But
> given what I am seeing, this leads me to consider that "random" is meant
> literally, and that it actually uses a random number generator to choose paths. Can
> someone confirm that this really is the case?

What it's doing is searching a subset of the space of all possible join
orders.  It still picks the best (according to cost estimate) plan
within that subset, but if you're unlucky there may be no very good plan
in that subset.  And yes, there is a random number generator in there.

> If so, I is this really a good idea?

The alternatives are not very appealing either ...

> I would think it would be much more sensible to have it
> operate deterministically (such as with some predetermined random
> sequence of numbers used repeatedly).

... in particular, that one's hardly a panacea.  For one thing, a
not-unlikely outcome would be that you *never* get a good plan and thus
don't even get a hint that you might be missing something.  For another,
the data values used in the query and the current ANALYZE statistics
also affect the search, which means that in the real world where those
things change, you'd still be exposed to getting the occasional
unexpectedly bad plan.

There are a number of alternatives you can consider though:

1. Disable geqo or bump up the threshold enough that it's not used for
your query.  Whether this is a feasible answer is impossible to say with
the limited detail you've provided.  (Remember that potentially
exponential search time.)

2. Increase geqo_effort to make the randomized search run a bit longer
and examine more plans.  This just decreases the probability of losing,
but maybe it will do so enough that you won't care anymore.

3. Figure out what's a good join order, rewrite your query to explicitly
join in that order, and *decrease* join_collapse_limit to force the
planner to follow that order instead of searching.  Permanent solution
but the initial development effort is high, especially if you have a lot
of different queries that need this treatment.

4. Write a better randomized-search algorithm and submit a patch ;-)
We have good reason to think that the GEQO code is not a really
intelligent approach to doing randomized plan searching --- it's based
on an algorithm designed to solve traveling-salesman problems, which is
not such a good match to join-order problems --- but no one's yet gotten
motivated to replace it.

            regards, tom lane