Thread: Re: can't get UPDATE ... RETURNING ... INTO ... to compile successfully

Dale wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got some code which postgres 8.3.3 won't accept.  Postgres
> doesn't like the INTO clause on RETURNING INTO and I've tried
> following the documentation.
> UPDATE "EntityRelation" SET "Status" = inStatus, "Modified" =
> Session_TimeStamp(), "ModifiedBy" = UserID() WHERE ("RelationID" =
> inRelationID) AND ("EntityID" = inEnityID) AND IsEqual(inRelatedID,
> "RelatedID") RETURNING "Default" INTO oldDefault;
> Does anyone have any ideas if the INTO clause actually works at all
> for an UPDATE statement?

does not list an INTO clause for UPDATE, and when you think about it, indeed
such a clause doesn't make sense.
