Thread: Query with varchar not using functional index

Query with varchar not using functional index

"Ryan VanMiddlesworth"

I've got a very strange problem that I'm seeing in one of our PostgreSQL databases (7.4.19).  Specifically, I have a query that only uses the functional index that it's supposed to use if I cast to text.

Here is a slimmed down version of the table definition:
         Column          |          Type          | Modifiers
 case_id                 | character varying(50)  | not null
 case_public_id          | character varying(50)  |
    "case_data_case_id" unique, btree (case_id)
    "case_data_squish_public_id" btree (squish((case_public_id)::text))

Here is the query that DOES NOT work:
dev=# explain select * from case_data where squish(case_public_id) like '84D04-0806-SC-06491';
                                                  QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on case_data  (cost=0.00..334288.23 rows=40730 width=228)
   Filter: (upper(translate((case_public_id)::text, '- \011'::text, ''::text)) ~~ '84D04-0806-SC-06491'::text)

And here is the query that DOES work:
dev=# explain select * from case_data where squish(case_public_id::text) like '84D04-0806-SC-06491';
                                                    QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using case_data_squish_public_id on case_data  (cost=0.00..148228.78 rows=40730 width=228)
   Index Cond: (upper(translate((case_public_id)::text, '- \011'::text, ''::text)) = '84D04-0806-SC-06491'::text)
   Filter: (upper(translate((case_public_id)::text, '- \011'::text, ''::text)) ~~ '84D04-0806-SC-06491'::text)

And here is the definition of the squish() function:
dev=# \df+ squish
                                                          List of functions
 Result data type | Schema |  Name  | Argument data types |  Owner   | Language |              Source code              | Description
 text             | public | squish | text                | postgres | sql      | SELECT upper(translate($1,'-  ','')); |

I think I may see what's going on.  The function definition has an argument data type of 'text', so I guess that's why PostgreSQL wants me to cast to 'text'.  But what is confusing me is the exact same setup works as expected on our 7.4.7 database server (the problem server is 7.4.19).  Has something changed that would cause this behavior since 7.4.7?  Also, why is PostgreSQL requiring an explicit cast to 'text'?  I thought varchar and text were functionally identical data types.

Thank you so much for your help.  PostgreSQL is a phenomenal product.

Ryan VanMiddlesworth

Re: Query with varchar not using functional index

Tom Lane
"Ryan VanMiddlesworth" <> writes:
> I've got a very strange problem that I'm seeing in one of our PostgreSQL
> databases (7.4.19).  Specifically, I have a query that only uses the
> functional index that it's supposed to use if I cast to text.

Yeah, 7.4 is not very bright about realizing that these cases are
equivalent and so it could match the query to the index either way.
(8.0 and up get this right.)  I think about all you can do in 7.4 is
create the index to match the case you prefer to use, either with
or without an explicit cast there.

> ... But what is confusing me is the exact same setup works as expected
> on our 7.4.7 database server (the problem server is 7.4.19).

I suspect that the index was created with an explicit cast on one
server, and not on the other.  \d shows the two cases alike so it's
hard to tell for sure, though if you want proof you could look into
the expression strings in pg_index.

> Also, why is PostgreSQL
> requiring an explicit cast to 'text'?  I thought varchar and text were
> functionally identical data types.

The cast is in fact a no-op (it's just a "RelabelType" node), but it's
still got to be represented in the expression tree because some
functions examine the declared type of their input expressions.
\d (and also pg_dump) show implicit casts explicitly in certain contexts
to be sure that the expression is interpreted the same way on reload,
and not matched to some other function with the same name and different
argument types.

            regards, tom lane