Thread: partitioned table insert triggers
I'm trying to create a date-partitioned version of the postgres_log table that is described here: In lieu of hardcoding the partition table names in the trigger, as shown in the table partitioning docs, I wanted to dynamically compute the table name. I tried: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION postgres_log_insert_trigger() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE c text; ptable text := 'postgres_log'; ctable text := ptable || '_' || to_char(NEW.session_start_time, 'YYYY_MM'); BEGIN c := 'INSERT INTO ' || ctable || ' VALUES (NEW.*)'; EXECUTE c; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; I get: ERROR: NEW used in query that is not in a rule CONTEXT: SQL statement "INSERT INTO measurement_postgres_log_2008_05 VALUES (NEW.*)" PL/pgSQL function "postgres_log_insert_trigger" line 7 at EXECUTE statement I didn't really think that would work exactly for the reason given, but I didn't know what else to try. Now that my only idea is gone, the question for y'all is: how? (Okay, I actually do have one more idea: construct the insert values list with quote_literal. I'm hoping there's a better way.) Thanks, Reece -- Reece Hart,, GPG:0x25EC91A0
Reece Hart <> wrote: > c := 'INSERT INTO ' || ctable || ' VALUES (NEW.*)'; > Now that my only idea is gone, the question for y'all is: how? > > ?(Okay, I actually do have one more idea: construct the insert values > list with quote_literal. I'm hoping there's a better way.) You need to do so in 8.3: EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || ctable || ' VALUES( (' || quote_literal(new) || '::' || ptable || ').*)'; In 8.4, the next release, you will be able to use a better way: EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || ctable || ' VALUES( ($1).* )' USING new; Regards, --- ITAGAKI Takahiro NTT Open Source Software Center
On Mon, 2008-06-23 at 10:18 +0900, ITAGAKI Takahiro wrote:
Domo arigato, Itagaki-san. (I think I got that right.)
The 8.3 method works like a charm.
You need to do so in 8.3:
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || ctable ||
' VALUES( (' || quote_literal(new) || '::' || ptable || ').*)';
In 8.4, the next release, you will be able to use a better way:
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || ctable || ' VALUES( ($1).* )' USING new;
Domo arigato, Itagaki-san. (I think I got that right.)
The 8.3 method works like a charm.
-- Reece Hart,, GPG:0x25EC91A0 |