Thread: Request for Materialized Views

Request for Materialized Views


I am not sure about the right place to post this question so I'm
trying here first:

We are using Postgres in our company successfully since 2001 but now
we arrived at the conclusion that we really need "Materialized Views"
for our further business. Also we decided that we should try to pay
someone from the community for the feature to be implemented for
Postgres instead of doing it ourselves.
While we know that this is common practice in open source projects I
would like to ask how such a kind of "announcement" should be made for

Thanks in advance for any answers

Jan Strube
Deriva GmbH - Financial IT and Consulting

Re: Request for Materialized Views

Tino Wildenhain
Hi, wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure about the right place to post this question so I'm
> trying here first:
> We are using Postgres in our company successfully since 2001 but now
> we arrived at the conclusion that we really need "Materialized Views"
> for our further business. Also we decided that we should try to pay
> someone from the community for the feature to be implemented for
> Postgres instead of doing it ourselves.
> While we know that this is common practice in open source projects I
> would like to ask how such a kind of "announcement" should be made for
> Postgres.

Short of having an all purpose macro, did you try one of the already
available methods to roll it your own? Otoh, I do not want to spoil
the fun of putting "yes we have materialized views" to the list of
marketing relevant things ;-)



Re: Request for Materialized Views

"A. Kretschmer"
am  Mon, dem 05.05.2008, um  0:43:46 -0700 mailte folgendes:
> Hi,
> I am not sure about the right place to post this question so I'm
> trying here first:
> We are using Postgres in our company successfully since 2001 but now
> we arrived at the conclusion that we really need "Materialized Views"
> for our further business. Also we decided that we should try to pay

Do you know this article?

Maybe this can solve your problem...

Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47150,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header)
GnuPG-ID:   0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA

Re: Request for Materialized Views

"Harald Armin Massa"

>  we arrived at the conclusion that we really need "Materialized Views"
>  for our further business.

just some information

are on the wishlist for PostgreSQL 8.4; and (Bernd) is the one coordinating it:

As the whole VIEW system has to be touched for this AND for
materialized views, maybe it is a good idea to contact him?


MATERIALIZED VIEWS have been on the TODO list for quite some time ...

>  someone from the community for the feature to be implemented for
>  Postgres instead of doing it ourselves.

I think after asking here on PostgreSQL-General, your next step may be
to propose sth along the lines: "would like sponsor sb to build

on pgsql-hackers:
"The PostgreSQL developers team lives here. Discussion of current
development issues, problems and bugs, and proposed new features. If
your question cannot be answered by people in the other lists, and it
is likely that only a developer will know the answer, you may re-post
your question in this list. You must try elsewhere first!"

best wishes,


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart
fx 01212-5-13695179
EuroPython 2008 will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania - Stay tuned!

Re: Request for Materialized Views

On May 5, 2008, at 2:43 AM, wrote:
> We are using Postgres in our company successfully since 2001 but now
> we arrived at the conclusion that we really need "Materialized Views"
> for our further business. Also we decided that we should try to pay
> someone from the community for the feature to be implemented for
> Postgres instead of doing it ourselves.
> While we know that this is common practice in open source projects I
> would like to ask how such a kind of "announcement" should be made for
> Postgres.

You should post to -hackers. If you're willing to fund development by
yourself then it shouldn't be hard to get this done. I know for a
fact that Command Prompt will develop features for hire, so they'd
probably be willing to undertake this. But fully sponsoring this
might not be cheap...

If you're not willing to fund this entirely on your own then things
get a lot more complicated.
Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828
