Hi All:
I have installed postgresql 8.3.1 on a Gentoo server, but i think that
the spanish dictionary isn't the correct because i have another two
machines with other postgresql versions and tserch2 installed, and a
simple test that i do is make a query with the spanish dictionary, i get
the follow results, the problem that i saw is in the accent, if i put a
word with accent doesn't work:
In postgresql-8.1.8:
SELECT to_tsvector('spanish','estadística');
(1 fila)
In postgresql-8.2.4:
SELECT to_tsvector('spanish','estadística');
(1 fila)
But in postgresql-8.3.1:
SELECT to_tsvector('spanish','estadística');
(1 row)
whitout accent:
SELECT to_tsvector('spanish','estadistica');
(1 row)
what should i do to make it work well?
Mario Rdz.