Thread: Very slow catalog query

Very slow catalog query

"Just Someone"

I have a DB with a large number schemas (around 10K) and a large
number of tables (400K). The app became slow lately, and logging the
slow queries, I see more than a few like this:

SELECT: LOG:  duration: 169547.424 ms  statement:           SELECT
attr.attname, name.nspname, seq.relname
                  FROM pg_class      seq,
                       pg_attribute  attr,
                       pg_depend     dep,
                       pg_namespace  name,
                       pg_constraint cons
                  WHERE seq.oid           = dep.objid
                    AND seq.relnamespace  = name.oid
                    AND seq.relkind       = 'S'
                    AND attr.attrelid     = dep.refobjid
                    AND attr.attnum       = dep.refobjsubid
                    AND attr.attrelid     = cons.conrelid
                    AND attr.attnum       = cons.conkey[1]
                    AND cons.contype      = 'p'
                    AND dep.refobjid      = 'activities'::regclass

Almost all slow queries are of this type, though most of those do
finish really fast. From time to time it gets really slow.

Some details on the setup:
Dual Opteron with 4GB RAM
RAID1 for WAL on 10K SCSI
RAID10 over 6 x 10K scsi drives for main the rest for the DB files

Auto vaccum is on, and in addition I do some vacuuming for specific
high use tables nightly

Any ideas how to start finding the culprit?



Family management on rails:
My development related blog:

Re: Very slow catalog query

Pedro Doria Meunier
On Monday 31 March 2008 15:13:25 Just Someone wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a DB with a large number schemas (around 10K) and a large
> number of tables (400K). The app became slow lately, and logging the
> slow queries, I see more than a few like this:
> SELECT: LOG:  duration: 169547.424 ms  statement:           SELECT
> attr.attname, name.nspname, seq.relname
>                   FROM pg_class      seq,
>                        pg_attribute  attr,
>                        pg_depend     dep,
>                        pg_namespace  name,
>                        pg_constraint cons
>                   WHERE seq.oid           = dep.objid
>                     AND seq.relnamespace  = name.oid
>                     AND seq.relkind       = 'S'
>                     AND attr.attrelid     = dep.refobjid
>                     AND attr.attnum       = dep.refobjsubid
>                     AND attr.attrelid     = cons.conrelid
>                     AND attr.attnum       = cons.conkey[1]
>                     AND cons.contype      = 'p'
>                     AND dep.refobjid      = 'activities'::regclass
> Almost all slow queries are of this type, though most of those do
> finish really fast. From time to time it gets really slow.
> Some details on the setup:
> Dual Opteron with 4GB RAM
> RAID1 for WAL on 10K SCSI
> RAID10 over 6 x 10K scsi drives for main the rest for the DB files
> Auto vaccum is on, and in addition I do some vacuuming for specific
> high use tables nightly
> Any ideas how to start finding the culprit?
> Bye,
> Guy.
> --
> Family management on rails:
> My development related blog:

Hi 'Just Someone'

I'm wondering... just 4GB of ram?
What's the "normal" "hammering" -- a.k.a. user access -- to all of this?
PG, as expected, launches a separate process for each connection. this eats up
resources quite quickly....
Did you check your system processes with 'top' ? how's it looking for swap

Pedro Doria Meunier
Ips. da Olaria, Edf. Jardins do Garajau, 4, r/c Y
9125-162 Caniço
Madeira - Portugal
Skype : pdoriam
Mobile: +351961720188


Re: Very slow catalog query

Tom Lane
"Just Someone" <> writes:
> Any ideas how to start finding the culprit?


What would be particularly interesting is to compare the results for
fast and slow cases of the "same" query.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Very slow catalog query

"Just Someone"

>  I'm wondering... just 4GB of ram?
>  What's the "normal" "hammering" -- a.k.a. user access -- to all of this?
>  PG, as expected, launches a separate process for each connection. this eats up
>  resources quite quickly....
>  Did you check your system processes with 'top' ? how's it looking for swap
>  usage?

Swap usage is almost nil. And I only have a constant number of
connections (about 10-15) as it serves as the backend for a Web
application. Transactions run at about 20-40 per second, but mostly
very short and simple ones.



Re: Very slow catalog query

"Just Someone"
Hi Tom,

Here is the result of explain analyze (though this one took 1500ms and
not 169000):

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 7:37 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> "Just Someone" <> writes:
>  > Any ideas how to start finding the culprit?

explain analyze SELECT
attr.attname, name.nspname, seq.relname
                 FROM pg_class      seq,
                      pg_attribute  attr,
                      pg_depend     dep,
                      pg_namespace  name,
                      pg_constraint cons
                 WHERE seq.oid           = dep.objid
                   AND seq.relnamespace  = name.oid
                   AND seq.relkind       = 'S'
                   AND attr.attrelid     = dep.refobjid
                   AND attr.attnum       = dep.refobjsubid
                   AND attr.attrelid     = cons.conrelid
                   AND attr.attnum       = cons.conkey[1]
                   AND cons.contype      = 'p'
                   AND dep.refobjid      = 'activities'::regclass;

              QUERY PLAN

 Nested Loop  (cost=64956.07..65025.73 rows=31 width=192) (actual
time=1547.720..1547.749 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=64956.07..64987.48 rows=1 width=166) (actual
time=1547.662..1547.684 rows=1 loops=1)
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=64956.07..64981.47 rows=1 width=106)
(actual time=1547.616..1547.631 rows=1 loops=1)
               ->  Merge Join  (cost=64956.07..64957.36 rows=4
width=42) (actual time=1547.484..1547.502 rows=3 loops=1)
                     Merge Cond: ("outer"."?column3?" = "inner".refobjsubid)
                     ->  Sort  (cost=4.08..4.08 rows=3 width=30)
(actual time=0.149..0.151 rows=1 loops=1)
                           Sort Key: cons.conkey[1]
                           ->  Index Scan using
pg_constraint_conrelid_index on pg_constraint cons  (cost=0.00..4.05
rows=3 width=30) (actual time=0.110..0.112 rows=1 loops=1)
                                 Index Cond: (30375069::oid = conrelid)
                                 Filter: (contype = 'p'::"char")
                     ->  Sort  (cost=64951.99..64952.61 rows=247
width=12) (actual time=1547.303..1547.318 rows=9 loops=1)
                           Sort Key: dep.refobjsubid
                           ->  Index Scan using
pg_depend_reference_index on pg_depend dep  (cost=0.00..64942.17
rows=247 width=12) (actual time=396.542..1547.172 rows=22 loops=1)
                                 Index Cond: (refobjid = 30375069::oid)
               ->  Index Scan using pg_class_oid_index on pg_class seq
 (cost=0.00..6.02 rows=1 width=72) (actual time=0.034..0.035 rows=0
                     Index Cond: (seq.oid = "outer".objid)
                     Filter: (relkind = 'S'::"char")
         ->  Index Scan using pg_namespace_oid_index on pg_namespace
name  (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=1 width=68) (actual time=0.039..0.041
rows=1 loops=1)
               Index Cond: ("outer".relnamespace = name.oid)
   ->  Index Scan using pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index on
pg_attribute attr  (cost=0.00..38.00 rows=20 width=70) (actual
time=0.050..0.052 rows=1 loops=1)
         Index Cond: ((30375069::oid = attr.attrelid) AND (attr.attnum
= "outer".refobjsubid))
 Total runtime: 1548.082 ms



Re: Very slow catalog query

Tom Lane
"Just Someone" <> writes:
> Here is the result of explain analyze (though this one took 1500ms and
> not 169000):

Well, it's hard to be sure what the problem is when you're not showing
us a problem case ...  but I notice that this indexscan is estimated
awfully high:

>                            ->  Index Scan using
> pg_depend_reference_index on pg_depend dep  (cost=0.00..64942.17
> rows=247 width=12) (actual time=396.542..1547.172 rows=22 loops=1)
>                                  Index Cond: (refobjid = 30375069::oid)

The reason is not far to seek: the scan is checking only the second
index key, meaning that it has to scan the entire index.  (I am
surprised it didn't use a seqscan instead.  Are you using enable_seqscan
= off?  Not a great idea.)  Since you know you are looking for a table,
you could improve matters by adding a constraint on refclassid:

    dep.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass

            regards, tom lane

Re: Very slow catalog query

"Just Someone"
Hi Tom,

>  Well, it's hard to be sure what the problem is when you're not showing
>  us a problem case ...  but I notice that this indexscan is estimated
>  awfully high:

Whenever I do it manually it works fast. But in the log I see lots of
slow ones. Could it be caused by auto vacuum? Or by check pointing or
WAL writing? Are there way to check that?

>  >                            ->  Index Scan using
>  > pg_depend_reference_index on pg_depend dep  (cost=0.00..64942.17
>  > rows=247 width=12) (actual time=396.542..1547.172 rows=22 loops=1)
>  >                                  Index Cond: (refobjid = 30375069::oid)
>  The reason is not far to seek: the scan is checking only the second
>  index key, meaning that it has to scan the entire index.  (I am
>  surprised it didn't use a seqscan instead.  Are you using enable_seqscan
>  = off?  Not a great idea.)  Since you know you are looking for a table,
>  you could improve matters by adding a constraint on refclassid:
>         dep.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass

enable_setscan is on. Is there a way to analyze/vacuum those tables?

I will look if I can also improve the query to be more exact.

