Thread: Clustering/Partitioning tables from existing tables?

Clustering/Partitioning tables from existing tables?

Michelle Konzack

Last night I was working realy hard (10 hours) while reinstalling some
servers in Freiburg and now I have a big problem/question to tables...

My customer had used PostgreSQL 7.4 and we have dumped all tables into
separated dumps because the tables are toooooo big!!!

Formerly, it was the software accessing the Database which handled the
searches in the over 8000 tables which have between 50 and 2000 MByte

We have now installed PostgreSQL 8.2 and imported all tables but since
this tables are generaly ONE table, I like to make a partitioned table
from it.

Q 1: How to create the "master" table now?

Q 2: Can anyone provide me a script whic do that.
     (I am NOT THE GENIE)

Note: The tables have only names like "data_NNNNN" where NNNNN
      is a number from 00000 (yes, with leading zeros) to 99999.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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