Thread: Index trouble with 8.3b4

Index trouble with 8.3b4

Hannes Dorbath
I decided to play a bit with 8.3-b4. I did a fresh install from source,
fresh initdb, and created a single test table (about 700K rows) to play
with in-core FTS:

> Welcome to psql 8.3beta4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
> hannes=> \d fts
>                           Table "public.fts"
>  Column |   Type   |                    Modifiers
> --------+----------+--------------------------------------------------
>  id     | integer  | not null default nextval('fts_id_seq'::regclass)
>  text   | text     | not null
>  tsv    | tsvector |
> Indexes:
>     "pk_fts" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
> hannes=> CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "ts_fts_tsv" ON "public"."fts" USING gin ("tsv");
> ERROR: item pointer (0,1) alreadt exists

I was able to reproduce that error a few times, but not always. It seems
  it only happens with CONCURRENTLY.

After creating a GIST index instead of GIN I tried to cluster on that:

> hannes=> CLUSTER fts USING ts_fts_tsv;
> ERROR:  could not create unique index "pk_fts"
> DETAIL:  Table contains duplicated values.

So duplicate values in my PK column?

> hannes=> SET enable_indexscan = off;
> hannes=>
> hannes=> SELECT
> hannes->,
> hannes->   COUNT(
> hannes-> FROM
> hannes->   public.fts f
> hannes-> GROUP BY
> hannes->
> hannes-> HAVING
> hannes->   COUNT( > 1;
>  id | count
> ----+-------
> (0 rows)

Where are they?

I'm a bit short of time and will probably not find time to debug this
further until next weekend, sorry.

Best regards,
Hannes Dorbath

Re: Index trouble with 8.3b4

Tom Lane
Hannes Dorbath <> writes:
> hannes=> CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "ts_fts_tsv" ON "public"."fts" USING gin ("tsv");
> ERROR: item pointer (0,1) alreadt exists

> I was able to reproduce that error a few times, but not always. It seems
>   it only happens with CONCURRENTLY.

> After creating a GIST index instead of GIN I tried to cluster on that:

> hannes=> CLUSTER fts USING ts_fts_tsv;
> ERROR:  could not create unique index "pk_fts"
> DETAIL:  Table contains duplicated values.
> So duplicate values in my PK column?

I didn't have any luck reproducing either of these behaviors --- maybe
it's data-dependent.  Can you extract a test case?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Index trouble with 8.3b4

Gregory Stark
"Tom Lane" <> writes:

> Hannes Dorbath <> writes:
>> hannes=> CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "ts_fts_tsv" ON "public"."fts" USING gin ("tsv");
>> ERROR: item pointer (0,1) alreadt exists
>> I was able to reproduce that error a few times, but not always. It seems
>>   it only happens with CONCURRENTLY.
> I didn't have any luck reproducing either of these behaviors --- maybe
> it's data-dependent.  Can you extract a test case?

I the GIN problem kicks in with the "posting tree" representation. That would
require more than about 85 records with the same matching lexeme-key.

  Gregory Stark
  Get trained by Bruce Momjian - ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostgreSQL training!

Re: Index trouble with 8.3b4

Gregory Stark
"Tom Lane" <> writes:

> I didn't have any luck reproducing either of these behaviors --- maybe
> it's data-dependent.  Can you extract a test case?

I haven't been able to reproduce this either but I produced an entirely
different problem:

postgres=# create index concurrently dg5 on doc using gin (to_tsvector('english',d));
ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process 7076 waits for ShareLock on unrecognized locktag type 5; blocked by process 10497.
Process 10497 waits for ShareUpdateExclusiveLock on relation 24656 of database 11511; blocked by process 7076.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's Slony Replication support!

Re: Index trouble with 8.3b4

Hannes Dorbath
Tom Lane wrote:
> I didn't have any luck reproducing either of these behaviors --- maybe
> it's data-dependent.  Can you extract a test case?

I will try to come up with a test case, but it might take until next
weekend, sorry.

The test data was an IRC log file, containing lots of color and
formating codes as well as other garbage. So anything else than a well
formed text document. I cleaned it a bit with -f UTF-8 -t UTF-8 -c to
make it import at all.

Best regards,
Hannes Dorbath