Thread: Password as a command line argument to createuser

Password as a command line argument to createuser

"Jane Ren"

I need to write a script that creates a new user with a password

Is there a way I can specify the password as a command line argument to

It looks like postgres does not read from stdin, but from /dev/tty.


Re: Password as a command line argument to createuser

"Joshua D. Drake"
Jane Ren wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to write a script that creates a new user with a password
> automatically.
> Is there a way I can specify the password as a command line argument to
> createuser?

Since you have access to the shell use psql -U user -c "create role ..."

Joshua D. Drake

> It looks like postgres does not read from stdin, but from /dev/tty.
> Thanks
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: Password as a command line argument to createuser

Tom Lane
"Jane Ren" <> writes:
> Is there a way I can specify the password as a command line argument to
> createuser?

No, and it would be a really bad idea if you could, as the password
would be exposed to everyone else on the machine (via "ps") while
createuser runs.

There are various ways to do this securely, but putting the password
on a program's command line isn't one of them.  I'd suggest looking
at how psql's \password command does it.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Password as a command line argument to createuser

"A. Kretschmer"
am  Tue, dem 18.12.2007, um 22:04:13 -0800 mailte Jane Ren folgendes:
> Hi,
> I need to write a script that creates a new user with a password
> automatically.
> Is there a way I can specify the password as a command line argument to
> createuser?

From a unix shell? You can call psql with -c "your command".

Try this:

psql -U ... database -c "create user foo password 'secret';"

Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47150,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header)
GnuPG-ID:   0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA

Re: Password as a command line argument to createuser

Greg Smith
On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, A. Kretschmer wrote:

> psql -U ... database -c "create user foo password 'secret';"

This seems like a reasonable example, but it will also show the password
you're assigning on the command line to anybody who happens to run ps,
which is the reason why this isn't allowed by createuser in the first

In your typical shell nowadays the echo command is a built-in one--it
executes directly rather than calling a separate echo binary, so it won't
leak what you tell it onto a command line.  That means this line in a
script would be simplest way to do this that's not completely insecure:

echo "create user foo password 'secret'" | psql ...

This is not recommended on the command line (I think other people can
still see the whole thing), but in a script I believe others just see the
psql executing against standard input.

Of course you need the surrounding script to not do the wrong thing
either, where the wrong thing includes any approach where you put the
password on the command line.  Last time I had to do a batch creation of a
bunch of accounts I put them into a file with the format
"username:password", read that directly from the shell (a good sample to
borrow from for that part is
) and used echo | psql as above to create them.  This is not an approach
I'd want to use as a long-term tool, but for hacking something together
it's not an awful way to do it.

Like all questions with security implications, I highly recommend you
believe nothing I said above and confirm each suggestion through your own
research and testing.

* Greg Smith Baltimore, MD

Re: Password as a command line argument to createuser

Tom Lane
Greg Smith <> writes:
> In your typical shell nowadays the echo command is a built-in one--it
> executes directly rather than calling a separate echo binary, so it won't
> leak what you tell it onto a command line.  That means this line in a
> script would be simplest way to do this that's not completely insecure:

> echo "create user foo password 'secret'" | psql ...

And if we haven't given you a headache yet:

There's a similar risk even after you've securely sent the command
to the database server: it will be transiently exposed in
pg_stat_activity, and perhaps permanently logged in the postmaster log.
Now the audience that can see either of those things is hopefully
smaller than "everyone on the machine", but still it's not very nice
if you don't want anyone else to know the cleartext of your password.

The way to deal with this is to pre-encrypt the password before you send
it over to the server.  Both the createuser program and psql's \password
command do it that way.  Unfortunately it looks like they both insist on
reading the password from /dev/tty, so if you want to script this, you'd
be stuck with making a special-purpose program that didn't.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Password as a command line argument to createuser

Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 10:38:52AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> reading the password from /dev/tty, so if you want to script this, you'd
> be stuck with making a special-purpose program that didn't.

But given that passwords are sort of awful in this way anyway, why not use
something designed not to have this problem, like Kerberos?  Especially now
that someone has been doing the work to make Kerberos play nicely in the
latest and greatest ways?