Thread: spreadsheet interface

spreadsheet interface

Some people in my workplace are asking if there exists a GUI that will
allow cut-and-paste of multiple cells directly from (and, preferably,
directly to) spreadsheets. pgAdmin III, PGAccess, and TOra don't seem to.
Any suggestions?

Re: spreadsheet interface

From (Adrian Klaver)
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "hjenkins" <>
> Some people in my workplace are asking if there exists a GUI that will
> allow cut-and-paste of multiple cells directly from (and, preferably,
> directly to) spreadsheets. pgAdmin III, PGAccess, and TOra don't seem to.
> Any suggestions?
OpenOffice. Set up a datasource using the Base component. You can drag and drop to the spreadsheet component.

Adrian Klaver

Re: spreadsheet interface

Thomas Hart
hjenkins wrote:
> Some people in my workplace are asking if there exists a GUI that will
> allow cut-and-paste of multiple cells directly from (and, preferably,
> directly to) spreadsheets. pgAdmin III, PGAccess, and TOra don't seem to.
> Any suggestions?
By "spreadsheet" I'm going to assume you mean M$ excel. The best way I
can think of to pull that off is to set up an Access db with the
psqlODBC driver to connect to it. I believe you ought to at least be
able to copy from the db that way (btw pgAdmin does work with a little
effort, if you're too leet for access, though at that point you'd be
able to work with pgadmin (or even better yet, and deserving of two
levels of parantheses, use csv/txt files and COPY from psql at a dummy
terminal in amber text)).

Lol sorry to get off the point, but this is the first suggestion that
pops in mind.

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

Re: spreadsheet interface

Thomas Hart
Adrian Klaver wrote:
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: "hjenkins" <>
>> Some people in my workplace are asking if there exists a GUI that will
>> allow cut-and-paste of multiple cells directly from (and, preferably,
>> directly to) spreadsheets. pgAdmin III, PGAccess, and TOra don't seem to.
>> Any suggestions?
> OpenOffice. Set up a datasource using the Base component. You can drag and drop to the spreadsheet component.
> --
> Adrian Klaver
Another good suggestion, if you're organization is/can use OpenOffice.
If you're stuck with M$ then you might be able to do this directly in excel.

Tom Hart
IT Specialist
Cooperative Federal
723 Westcott St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 471-1116 ext. 202
(315) 476-0567 (fax)

Re: spreadsheet interface

Bill Moran
In response to "hjenkins" <>:

> Some people in my workplace are asking if there exists a GUI that will
> allow cut-and-paste of multiple cells directly from (and, preferably,
> directly to) spreadsheets. pgAdmin III, PGAccess, and TOra don't seem to.
> Any suggestions?

To add on to Thomas' comment.  You can also install with
the pgsql ODBC driver and use the OOo spreadsheet to access data directly.

I haven't done this, personally, so I can't vouch for how well it works.

Bill Moran

Re: spreadsheet interface

"Joshua D. Drake"
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 16:47:41 -0500
Bill Moran <> wrote:

> In response to "hjenkins" <>:
> > Some people in my workplace are asking if there exists a GUI that
> > will allow cut-and-paste of multiple cells directly from (and,
> > preferably, directly to) spreadsheets. pgAdmin III, PGAccess, and
> > TOra don't seem to. Any suggestions?
> To add on to Thomas' comment.  You can also install
> with the pgsql ODBC driver and use the OOo spreadsheet to access data
> directly.
> I haven't done this, personally, so I can't vouch for how well it
> works.

Well OpenOffice now has a native sdbc driver so no ODBC is required.
It seems to work very well.

Joshua D. Drake 

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Re: spreadsheet interface

"Dave Page"

> ------- Original Message -------
> From: "hjenkins" <>
> To:
> Sent: 17/12/07, 21:10:46
> Subject: [GENERAL] spreadsheet interface
> Some people in my workplace are asking if there exists a GUI that will
> allow cut-and-paste of multiple cells directly from (and, preferably,
> directly to) spreadsheets. pgAdmin III, PGAccess, and TOra don't seem to.
> Any suggestions?

pgAdmin will copy arbitrary blocks of cells to spreadsheets, and will accept rows pasted into the edit grid. It should
workout of the box with Excel and OpenOffice - if not, check the copy delimiter/quoting options under file->options. 

Regards, Dave

Re: spreadsheet interface

Adrian Klaver
On Monday 17 December 2007 1:47 pm, Bill Moran wrote:
> In response to "hjenkins" <>:
> > Some people in my workplace are asking if there exists a GUI that will
> > allow cut-and-paste of multiple cells directly from (and, preferably,
> > directly to) spreadsheets. pgAdmin III, PGAccess, and TOra don't seem to.
> > Any suggestions?
> To add on to Thomas' comment.  You can also install with
> the pgsql ODBC driver and use the OOo spreadsheet to access data directly.
> I haven't done this, personally, so I can't vouch for how well it works.

For the record I have luck using OO with either the Postgres  JDBC driver or
the native SDBC driver.  I tried the ODBC driver with not too much success.

Adrian Klaver

Re: spreadsheet interface

Adrian Klaver
On Monday 17 December 2007 3:10 pm, hjenkins wrote:
> Hello, all,
> >Dave Page writes:
> >pgAdmin will copy arbitrary blocks of cells to spreadsheets, and will
> >accept rows pasted into the edit grid. It should work out of the box
> with >Excel and OpenOffice - if not, check the copy delimiter/quoting
> options >under file->options.
> That sounds perfect, but I can't get it to work, even with OO. I can't
> find any copy delimiter/quoting options >under file->options.
> When you say "pgAdmin does work with a little effort", Mr. Hart, do you
> mean that I can set it up so that one can cut-and-paste multiple cells, as
> Mr. Page is describing, or that there is a work-around which requires more
> effort per-use than cut-and-paste?
> Using OpenOffice:
> OO driver:
> JDBC driver:
> ODBC driver: and others
> Since the JDBC driver is in Gentoo-portage, I tried that, but
> OpenOffice can't load org.postgresql.Driver as the JDBC Driver class... If
> I use this, I'll let you know how it goes.
You need to set up OpenOffice. Do following:
1) From Menu bar Tools --> Options
2) Click on --> Java
3) Make sure a Java Runtime Environment is set up
4) Click on the Class Path button
5) Click on Add Archive and browse for location of the Postgres JDBC jar file.
6) Back out of menus
7) Restart OpenOffice
> I'm too... experienced with Access (several days worth)... to want to use
> it, personally, but it might work for this application. I'll have a look.
> I've been using Python scripts to generate the COPY functions and piping
> them to psql -f. I doubt, though, that my co-workers will be keen on doing
> this each time they want to move three cells into a report, especially
> since they have neither Python nor a UNIX shell.
> Belatedly, I've found a similar if outdated post at
> but it's been taken down; only a cached version.
> Thanks for all the replies. Honestly, you have to hover over your inbox on
> this mailing list, it pounces so quickly.
> Regards,
> H.Jenkins

Adrian Klaver