Thread: For the SQL gurus out there

For the SQL gurus out there

"Uwe C. Schroeder"
Ok, something I've been toying around with for a while.
Here's the scenario:
Imagine a blogging app.
I have a table for blogs with a blog_id (primary key)
and a table blog_comments also with a comment_id as primary key and a foreign
key holding the blog_id the post belongs to.
The comments table also has a field that holds a self-reference to comment id
for commments on comments (on comments) of a blog.

What I would like to do is to create a view that sucks the comments for a
given blog_id in the order they should be displayed (very commonly seen in
pretty much all blogging apps), i.e.

comment 1
  comment on comment 1
    comment on comment on comment 1
comment 2

Question is, is there a smart way I'm not able to figure out to create a
single query on the blog comment table that will return the comments in the
right order? Sure I could write a recursive method that assembles the data in
correct order, but I'd prefer to leave that to the database to handle in a

The solution can be very postgresql specific, because I don't intend to run it
on any other db server.

Any ideas anyone?



Open Source Solutions 4U, LLC    1618 Kelly St
Phone:  +1 707 568 3056        Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Cell:   +1 650 302 2405        United States
Fax:    +1 707 568 6416

Re: For the SQL gurus out there

"D. Dante Lorenso"
Uwe C. Schroeder wrote:
> Ok, something I've been toying around with for a while.
> Here's the scenario:
> Imagine a blogging app.
> I have a table for blogs with a blog_id (primary key)
> and a table blog_comments also with a comment_id as primary key and a foreign
> key holding the blog_id the post belongs to.
> The comments table also has a field that holds a self-reference to comment id
> for commments on comments (on comments) of a blog.
> What I would like to do is to create a view that sucks the comments for a
> given blog_id in the order they should be displayed (very commonly seen in
> pretty much all blogging apps), i.e.
> Blog
> comment 1
>   comment on comment 1
>     comment on comment on comment 1
> comment 2
> etc.
> Question is, is there a smart way I'm not able to figure out to create a
> single query on the blog comment table that will return the comments in the
> right order? Sure I could write a recursive method that assembles the data in
> correct order, but I'd prefer to leave that to the database to handle in a
> view.

What you are looking for is the 'connectby' function found in contrib as
part of the tablefunc package.  On my CentOS 5.1 box, it's part of this RPM:

 > rpm -qi postgresql-contrib
Name        : postgresql-contrib           Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 8.2.4                             Vendor: (none)
Release     : 1PGDG                         Build Date: Fri 20 Apr 2007
01:58:54 PM CDT
Install Date: Sun 16 Sep 2007 12:27:55 AM CDT      Build Host:
Group       : Applications/Databases        Source RPM:
Size        : 1724563                          License: BSD
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Fri 20 Apr 2007 02:14:40 PM CDT, Key ID
URL         :
Summary     : Contributed source and binaries distributed with PostgreSQL
Description :
The postgresql-contrib package contains contributed packages that are
included in the PostgreSQL distribution.

And the files you want to look at is here:


It talks about connectby here:


connectby(text, text, text[, text], text, text, int[, text]) - returns a
set representing a hierarchy (tree structure)


connectby(text relname, text keyid_fld, text parent_keyid_fld
             [, text orderby_fld], text start_with, int max_depth
                                                 [, text branch_delim])

Do some searching for 'connectby' and PostgreSQL in google.

-- Dante

Re: For the SQL gurus out there

Richard Broersma Jr
--- On Wed, 12/12/07, Uwe C. Schroeder <> wrote:

> The comments table also has a field that holds a
> self-reference to comment id
> for commments on comments (on comments) of a blog.

 The model that you are referring to here is the adjacency list hierarchy model.  There are two other models that will
giveyou what you want but are harder to implement: path enumeration model and the nested set model.  My guess is that
thepath enumeration model with give you what to want with a decent insert performance.  Aside from this there is the
ltreecontribe module that take care of a lot of the work for you. 

> What I would like to do is to create a view that sucks the
> comments for a
> given blog_id in the order they should be displayed (very
> commonly seen in
> pretty much all blogging apps), i.e.

Yup that is the problem with the adjacency list model.

Richard Broersma Jr.

Re: For the SQL gurus out there

Alban Hertroys
On Dec 13, 2007, at 6:55, Uwe C. Schroeder wrote:
> What I would like to do is to create a view that sucks the comments
> for a
> given blog_id in the order they should be displayed (very commonly
> seen in
> pretty much all blogging apps), i.e.
> Blog
> comment 1
>   comment on comment 1
>     comment on comment on comment 1
> comment 2
> etc.
> Question is, is there a smart way I'm not able to figure out to
> create a
> single query on the blog comment table that will return the
> comments in the
> right order? Sure I could write a recursive method that assembles
> the data in
> correct order, but I'd prefer to leave that to the database to
> handle in a
> view.
> The solution can be very postgresql specific, because I don't
> intend to run it
> on any other db server.

Have a look at the ltree contrib package. It allows you to specify
the comment hierarchy as a path and order by that, while look-ups on
it are still quite fast (no need to look up child records separately,
for example).

Alban Hertroys

        "It's not a bug!
         It's a six-legged feature!"


Re: For the SQL gurus out there

"Uwe C. Schroeder"
Thanks everyone.
This was exactly what I needed.  I went with connectby as Dante recommended
and it works like a charm.


Open Source Solutions 4U, LLC    1618 Kelly St
Phone:  +1 707 568 3056        Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Cell:   +1 650 302 2405        United States
Fax:    +1 707 568 6416