Thread: copy a large table raises out of memory exception

copy a large table raises out of memory exception

"A. Ozen Akyurek"
We have a large table (about 9,000,000 rows and total size is about 2.8 GB)
which is exported to a binary file. Postgre 8.2 is running on a Windows 2003
Small business Server which has a 2 GB RAM. When we run "copy tablename from
filepath" command, memory usage increases up to 1.8 GB and postgre raises
exception "out of memory". If we copy a small part of the table (e.g
1,000,000 rows) everything works fine.

As far as I understand, postgre is trying to load all the rows into RAM
before writing it to the database. I tried running postgre with several
different configuration parameters but the result is same. Did anybody face
a similar problem?

Kind regards
A. Ozen Akyurek

Re: copy a large table raises out of memory exception

Tomasz Ostrowski
On Mon, 10 Dec 2007, A. Ozen Akyurek wrote:

> We have a large table (about 9,000,000 rows and total size is about 2.8 GB)
> which is exported to a binary file.

How was it exported? With "COPY tablename TO 'filename' WITH BINARY"?

"The BINARY key word causes all data to be stored/read as binary
format rather than as text. It is somewhat faster than the normal
text mode, but a binary-format file is less portable across machine
architectures and PostgreSQL versions."
Maybe you are bitten by this "less portable".

> When we run "copy tablename from filepath" command, (...) and
> postgre raises exception "out of memory".

I'd try to use pg_dump/pg_restore in custom format, like this:
    pg_dump -a -Fc -Z1 -f [filename] -t [tablename] [olddatabasename]
    pg_restore -1 -a -d [newdatabasename] [filename]

...although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a
moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you
                                                      Winnie the Pooh