Thread: setting for maximum acceptable plan cost?

setting for maximum acceptable plan cost?

"Jeffrey W. Baker"
I was thinking that it might be nice to be able to tell postgres to
refuse to execute any plan with an estimated cost above some threshold.
For example, earlier today I produced this extremely bogus execution
plan with the following top line:

Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=13920.16..2257575559347.46 rows=3691992705807 width=128)

After a call to ANALYZE, the same query gave me:

Merge Left Join  (cost=16382.02..16853.87 rows=126768 width=59)

And runs in 5 seconds.  If I had been able to tell pg to reject any plan
with cost over, say 10E9, that would have saved my server from half an
hour of nested sequential scans.

Should I just use statement_timeout as a proxy for this?


Re: setting for maximum acceptable plan cost?

"Joshua D. Drake"
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:49:27 -0700
"Jeffrey W. Baker" <> wrote:

> Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=13920.16..2257575559347.46
> rows=3691992705807 width=128)
> After a call to ANALYZE, the same query gave me:
> Merge Left Join  (cost=16382.02..16853.87 rows=126768 width=59)
> And runs in 5 seconds.  If I had been able to tell pg to reject any
> plan with cost over, say 10E9, that would have saved my server from
> half an hour of nested sequential scans.

I am confused as to why you would want to do that... seems like a
band aid for lack of maintenance.

> Should I just use statement_timeout as a proxy for this?

That would yes but see my point about maintenance above.

Joshua D. Drake

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Re: setting for maximum acceptable plan cost?

Tom Lane
"Jeffrey W. Baker" <> writes:
> I was thinking that it might be nice to be able to tell postgres to
> refuse to execute any plan with an estimated cost above some threshold.

What you suggest has been suggested before, and I might think it was
a good idea if I trusted the planner's cost estimates more ;-)

There's always statement_timeout.

            regards, tom lane

Re: setting for maximum acceptable plan cost?

"Jeffrey W. Baker"
On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 14:45 -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:49:27 -0700
> "Jeffrey W. Baker" <> wrote:
> > Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=13920.16..2257575559347.46
> > rows=3691992705807 width=128)
> >
> > After a call to ANALYZE, the same query gave me:
> >
> > Merge Left Join  (cost=16382.02..16853.87 rows=126768 width=59)
> >
> > And runs in 5 seconds.  If I had been able to tell pg to reject any
> > plan with cost over, say 10E9, that would have saved my server from
> > half an hour of nested sequential scans.
> I am confused as to why you would want to do that... seems like a
> band aid for lack of maintenance.

Well it's not "maintenance" really since all the inputs are temp tables,
but I do see your point.

Often I have wished for a language which is not SQL which would allow me
to simply specify the whole execution plan.  That would cut out a lot of

Pie in the sky, I know.
