Thread: 8.2.4 error restoring dump because of gin__int_ops

8.2.4 error restoring dump because of gin__int_ops

"Carlo Stonebanks"
When restoring a dump, I get the following error:

ERROR:  could not make operator class "gin__int_ops" be default for type
DETAIL:  Operator class "_int4_ops" already is the default.

I believe the problem lies with:

    DEFAULT FOR TYPE integer[] USING gin AS
    STORAGE integer ,
    OPERATOR 3 &&(integer[],integer[]) ,
    OPERATOR 6 =(anyarray,anyarray) RECHECK ,
    OPERATOR 7 @>(integer[],integer[]) ,
    OPERATOR 8 <@(integer[],integer[]) RECHECK ,
    OPERATOR 13 @(integer[],integer[]) ,
    OPERATOR 14 ~(integer[],integer[]) RECHECK ,
    OPERATOR 20 @@(integer[],query_int) ,
    FUNCTION 1 btint4cmp(integer,integer) ,
    FUNCTION 2 ginarrayextract(anyarray,internal) ,
    FUNCTION 3 ginint4_queryextract(internal,internal,smallint) ,
    FUNCTION 4 ginint4_consistent(internal,smallint,internal);

I saw a bug report on a bug with a similar error message I found a bug
report using linux/8.2.0. Has this been resolved? Is there  aworkaround?


Re: 8.2.4 error restoring dump because of gin__int_ops

Tom Lane
"Carlo Stonebanks" <> writes:
> When restoring a dump, I get the following error:
> ERROR:  could not make operator class "gin__int_ops" be default for type
> pg_catalog.int4[]
> DETAIL:  Operator class "_int4_ops" already is the default.

This is a dup of bug #3048.  I see that that still has not been fixed in
CVS HEAD, but I'll make sure it happens before we wrap the upcoming set
of releases.

That won't help a whole lot for dealing with an existing broken dump,
though.  I'd suggest removing the "DEFAULT" keyword from the dump
script's definition of gin__int_ops.

            regards, tom lane