Thread: Left joining table to setof function

Left joining table to setof function

Robert Fitzpatrick
I have a function that returns a set of a custom type...

trax=# \d client_search
  Composite type "public.client_search"
     Column     |          Type
 clientno       | bigint
 client         | character varying(100)
 contactno      | bigint
 city           | character varying(50)
 state          | character varying(50)
 contact_info   | text
 contact_title  | character varying(100)
 contact_phone  | character varying(20)
 contact_cell   | character varying(20)
 clientnamesort | text
 lastnamesort   | text

...and need to left join this with a table that can tell me if each
record exists in that table depending on certain values. When I get to
tens of thousands of records returned by the function, while my runtime
of the function itself is little changed, I am struggling to lower the
runtime as it gets very high when there are more and more matches in the
join. I have gone through to make sure all my comparisons in the join
are of same type, here is the table I am joining...

trax=# \d tblsearch_selections                                               Table "public.tblsearch_selections"
       Column        |         Type          |                                     Modifiers

 search_selection_id | bigint                | not null default
 search_id           | integer               |
 user_id             | character varying(12) |
 selection_value     | text                  |
 selected_value      | bigint                |
 selection_type      | character varying(10) | default 'client'::character varying
    "tblsearch_selections_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (search_selection_id)
    "search_selection_unique_idx" UNIQUE, btree (search_id, user_id, selection_value, selection_type)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "tblsearch_selections_search_fk" FOREIGN KEY (search_id) REFERENCES tblclientsearch(search_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON
    "tblsearch_selections_user_fk" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES tbluser(flduserid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE

Here is the analysis of the query with over 12000 join matches...

trax=# explain analyze select * from client_search_id_func(62) left join tblsearch_selections ON search_id = 62 and
user_id= 'RF' and ((selected_value = clientno and selection_type = 'client') or (selected_value = contactno and
selection_type= 'contact')); 

 Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=301.98..9434.48 rows=1000 width=426) (actual time=288.130..234578.634 rows=18202 loops=1)
   Join Filter: (((tblsearch_selections.selected_value = client_search_id_func.clientno) AND
((tblsearch_selections.selection_type)::text= 'client'::text)) OR ((tblsearch_selections.selected_value =
client_search_id_func.contactno)AND ((tblsearch_selections.selection_type)::text = 'contact'::text))) 
   ->  Function Scan on client_search_id_func  (cost=0.00..12.50 rows=1000 width=382) (actual time=253.805..265.752
   ->  Materialize  (cost=301.98..305.02 rows=304 width=44) (actual time=0.001..4.931 rows=12747 loops=18202)
         ->  Seq Scan on tblsearch_selections  (cost=0.00..301.68 rows=304 width=44) (actual time=0.040..12.749
               Filter: ((search_id = 62) AND ((user_id)::text = 'RF'::text))
 Total runtime: 234673.875 ms
(7 rows)

Perhaps I need to use subselects or some other approach?

trax=# explain analyze select *, (select search_selection_id from tblsearch_selections where search_id = 62 and user_id
='RF' and ((selected_value = clientno and selection_type = 'client') or (selected_value = contactno and selection_type
='contact'))) from client_search_id_func(62); 

 Function Scan on client_search_id_func  (cost=0.00..315837.50 rows=1000 width=382) (actual time=259.520..148524.590
     ->  Seq Scan on tblsearch_selections  (cost=0.00..315.82 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=3.555..8.131 rows=1
           Filter: ((search_id = 62) AND ((user_id)::text = 'RF'::text) AND (((selected_value = $0) AND
((selection_type)::text= 'client'::text)) OR ((selected_value = $1) AND ((selection_type)::text = 'contact'::text)))) 
 Total runtime: 148540.593 ms

And with no matches, the winner so far is the left join...

trax=# delete from tblsearch_selections where search_id = 62;
DELETE 12747
trax=# explain analyze select * from client_search_id_func(62) left join tblsearch_selections ON search_id = 62 and
user_id= 'RF' and ((selected_value = clientno and selection_type = 'client') or (selected_value = contactno and
selection_type= 'contact')); 

 Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=513.90..384586.40 rows=1000 width=426) (actual time=253.248..308.741 rows=18202 loops=1)
   Join Filter: (((tblsearch_selections.selected_value = client_search_id_func.clientno) AND
((tblsearch_selections.selection_type)::text= 'client'::text)) OR ((tblsearch_selections.selected_value =
client_search_id_func.contactno)AND ((tblsearch_selections.selection_type)::text = 'contact'::text))) 
   ->  Function Scan on client_search_id_func  (cost=0.00..12.50 rows=1000 width=382) (actual time=251.167..258.764
   ->  Materialize  (cost=513.90..641.92 rows=12802 width=44) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=0 loops=18202)
         ->  Seq Scan on tblsearch_selections  (cost=0.00..501.10 rows=12802 width=44) (actual time=2.066..2.066 rows=0
               Filter: ((search_id = 62) AND ((user_id)::text = 'RF'::text))
 Total runtime: 319.371 ms
(7 rows)

Thanks for any help!


Re: Left joining table to setof function

Gregory Stark
"Robert Fitzpatrick" <> writes:

> Indexes:
>     "tblsearch_selections_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (search_selection_id)
>     "search_selection_unique_idx" UNIQUE, btree (search_id, user_id, selection_value, selection_type)

     FROM client_search_id_func(62)
LEFT JOIN tblsearch_selections ON search_id = 62
                              AND user_id = 'RF'
                              AND ((    selected_value = clientno
                                    AND selection_type = 'client'
                                   ) OR (
                                        selected_value = contactno
                                    AND selection_type = 'contact'))

According to the index the unique way to identify a record is (search_id,
user_id, selection_value, selection_type). But your join condition is matching
on (search_id, user_id, ***selected_value***, selection_type).

I'm not sure what these columns are but this looks like a bug. Certainly it
will make PostgreSQL less likely to use the index since it can only use the
first two columns of it which leaves it with few options.

  Gregory Stark

Re: Left joining table to setof function

Tom Lane
Robert Fitzpatrick <> writes:
> trax=# explain analyze select * from client_search_id_func(62) left join tblsearch_selections ON search_id = 62 and
user_id= 'RF' and ((selected_value = clientno and selection_type = 'client') or (selected_value = contactno and
selection_type= 'contact')); 

I don't think you're going to get anywhere until you get rid of the
OR-of-ANDs join condition; the OR defeats using any reasonably
intelligent join method such as a merge or hash join.  You should
redesign the set-returning function to emit a representation that
matches the table you want to search, or perhaps rethink the table's

            regards, tom lane