Thread: Error Message: invalid command-line arguments for server process

Error Message: invalid command-line arguments for server process

"Anthony W. Brock"
I am getting an error trying to connect to PostgreSQL db using Visual
Basic.NET 2005. The error message is "FATAL: invalid command-line
arguments for server process. HINT: Try "postgres --help" for more

Here is a the snippet of code to create connection. Looking for
suggestions on what the problem may be and how to solve it. We just
made the switch recently from MSSQL to PostgreSQL 8.2.

Private sConnString As String _
                 = "Provider=PostgreSQL;Addr=;User
     Private objConn As New OleDbConnection(sConnString)
     Private objCmd As New OleDbCommand

     Public Function dbOpenConn() As Boolean

             objCmd.Connection = objConn
         Catch ex As Exception
             OutputToLog("ERROR (Opening Database Connection): " & ex.Message)
             frmMain.lblStatus.Text = "Error Occurred! Check
application log for details."
             Return False
         End Try
         Return True

     End Function