Thread: Installing Postgresql 8.2 on Windows Vista

Installing Postgresql 8.2 on Windows Vista

Johan Runnedahl

I am having problems installing Postgressql 8.2 on Windows Vista.

The first problem I had was related to the UAC which I now have turned
off. But the last problem is that the installer stops when it can't runt
initdb. At this stage it rolls back an removes any possibilities to run
initdb manually.

Is it even possible to install it with the Windows-installer in the
8.2.4 binary. It worked fine on Windows XP.

If it is possible, how should it be done? Does anyone have a
step-by-step guide?

I would appreciate any constructive help on this.


Re: Installing Postgresql 8.2 on Windows Vista

Hannes Dorbath
Johan Runnedahl wrote:
> I would appreciate any constructive help on this.

A constructive answer is to grab VMware Server or VirtualBox and a PG
LiveCD. That way you are up and running in 15 minutes and can get your
work done instead of fighting with an installer / OS combo that is known
to be problematic.

Best regards,
Hannes Dorbath