Thread: invalid memory alloc request size 2147483648 using toode LIKE 'ä%'

invalid memory alloc request size 2147483648 using toode LIKE 'ä%'

SELECT * FROM firma1.toode WHERE toode LIKE 'ä%'

causes error:

ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 2147483648
SQL state: XX000

How to fix ?


toode column type is char(20) and it is primary key.

toode table has index:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX toode_toode_unique_pattern_idx
  ON firma1.toode
  USING btree
  (lower(toode::text) text_pattern_ops);


"PostgreSQL 8.2.3 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2

Database  encoding is UTF-8 , cluster locale is Estonian
Occurs in Windows 2003 server and in Vista.

show all:

"add_missing_from";"off";"Automatically adds missing table references to
FROM clauses."
"allow_system_table_mods";"off";"Allows modifications of the structure of
system tables."
"archive_command";"";"WAL archiving command."
"archive_timeout";"0";"Forces a switch to the next xlog file if a new file
has not been started within N seconds."
"array_nulls";"on";"Enable input of NULL elements in arrays."
"authentication_timeout";"1min";"Sets the maximum time in seconds to
complete client authentication."
"autovacuum";"on";"Starts the autovacuum subprocess."
"autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor";"0.1";"Number of tuple inserts, updates or
deletes prior to analyze as a fraction of reltuples."
"autovacuum_analyze_threshold";"250";"Minimum number of tuple inserts,
updates or deletes prior to analyze."
"autovacuum_freeze_max_age";"200000000";"Age at which to autovacuum a table
to prevent transaction ID wraparound."
"autovacuum_naptime";"1min";"Time to sleep between autovacuum runs, in
"autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay";"-1";"Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds, for
"autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit";"-1";"Vacuum cost amount available before
napping, for autovacuum."
"autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor";"0.2";"Number of tuple updates or deletes
prior to vacuum as a fraction of reltuples."
"autovacuum_vacuum_threshold";"500";"Minimum number of tuple updates or
deletes prior to vacuum."
"backslash_quote";"safe_encoding";"Sets whether "\'" is allowed in string
"bgwriter_all_maxpages";"5";"Background writer maximum number of all pages
to flush per round"
"bgwriter_all_percent";"0.333";"Background writer percentage of all buffers
to flush per round"
"bgwriter_delay";"200ms";"Background writer sleep time between rounds in
"bgwriter_lru_maxpages";"5";"Background writer maximum number of LRU pages
to flush per round"
"bgwriter_lru_percent";"1";"Background writer percentage of LRU buffers to
flush per round"
"block_size";"8192";"Shows size of a disk block"
"bonjour_name";"";"Sets the Bonjour broadcast service name."
"check_function_bodies";"on";"Check function bodies during CREATE FUNCTION."
"checkpoint_segments";"10";"Sets the maximum distance in log segments
between automatic WAL checkpoints."
"checkpoint_timeout";"5min";"Sets the maximum time in seconds between
automatic WAL checkpoints."
"checkpoint_warning";"30s";"Logs if filling of checkpoint segments happens
more frequently than this (in seconds)."
"client_encoding";"UNICODE";"Sets the client's character set encoding."
"client_min_messages";"notice";"Sets the message levels that are sent to the
"commit_delay";"0";"Sets the delay in microseconds between transaction
commit and flushing WAL to disk."
"commit_siblings";"5";"Sets the minimum concurrent open transactions before
performing commit_delay."
"config_file";"C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/data/postgresql.conf";"Sets
the server's main configuration file."
"constraint_exclusion";"off";"Enables the planner to use constraints to
optimize queries."
"cpu_index_tuple_cost";"0.005";"Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of
processing each index entry during an index scan."
"cpu_operator_cost";"0.0025";"Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of
processing each operator or function call."
"cpu_tuple_cost";"0.01";"Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of
processing each tuple (row)."
"custom_variable_classes";"";"Sets the list of known custom variable
"data_directory";"C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/data";"Sets the server's
data directory."
"DateStyle";"ISO, DMY";"Sets the display format for date and time values."
"db_user_namespace";"off";"Enables per-database user names."
"deadlock_timeout";"1s";"The time in milliseconds to wait on lock before
checking for deadlock."
"debug_assertions";"off";"Turns on various assertion checks."
"debug_pretty_print";"off";"Indents parse and plan tree displays."
"debug_print_parse";"off";"Prints the parse tree to the server log."
"debug_print_plan";"off";"Prints the execution plan to server log."
"debug_print_rewritten";"off";"Prints the parse tree after rewriting to
server log."
"default_statistics_target";"10";"Sets the default statistics target."
"default_tablespace";"";"Sets the default tablespace to create tables and
indexes in."
"default_transaction_isolation";"read committed";"Sets the transaction
isolation level of each new transaction."
"default_transaction_read_only";"off";"Sets the default read-only status of
new transactions."
"default_with_oids";"off";"Create new tables with OIDs by default."
"dynamic_library_path";"$libdir";"Sets the path for dynamically loadable
"effective_cache_size";"128MB";"Sets the planner's assumption about size of
the disk cache."
"enable_bitmapscan";"on";"Enables the planner's use of bitmap-scan plans."
"enable_hashagg";"on";"Enables the planner's use of hashed aggregation
"enable_hashjoin";"on";"Enables the planner's use of hash join plans."
"enable_indexscan";"on";"Enables the planner's use of index-scan plans."
"enable_mergejoin";"on";"Enables the planner's use of merge join plans."
"enable_nestloop";"on";"Enables the planner's use of nested-loop join
"enable_seqscan";"on";"Enables the planner's use of sequential-scan plans."
"enable_sort";"on";"Enables the planner's use of explicit sort steps."
"enable_tidscan";"on";"Enables the planner's use of TID scan plans."
"escape_string_warning";"on";"Warn about backslash escapes in ordinary
string literals."
"explain_pretty_print";"on";"Uses the indented output format for EXPLAIN
"external_pid_file";"";"Writes the postmaster PID to the specified file."
"extra_float_digits";"0";"Sets the number of digits displayed for
floating-point values."
"from_collapse_limit";"8";"Sets the FROM-list size beyond which subqueries
are not collapsed."
"fsync";"on";"Forces synchronization of updates to disk."
"full_page_writes";"on";"Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after
a checkpoint."
"geqo";"on";"Enables genetic query optimization."
"geqo_effort";"5";"GEQO: effort is used to set the default for other GEQO
"geqo_generations";"0";"GEQO: number of iterations of the algorithm."
"geqo_pool_size";"0";"GEQO: number of individuals in the population."
"geqo_selection_bias";"2";"GEQO: selective pressure within the population."
"geqo_threshold";"12";"Sets the threshold of FROM items beyond which GEQO is
"gin_fuzzy_search_limit";"0";"Sets the maximum allowed result for exact
search by GIN."
"hba_file";"C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/data/pg_hba.conf";"Sets the
server's "hba" configuration file"
"ident_file";"C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/data/pg_ident.conf";"Sets the
server's "ident" configuration file"
"ignore_system_indexes";"off";"Disables reading from system indexes."
"integer_datetimes";"off";"Datetimes are integer based."
"join_collapse_limit";"8";"Sets the FROM-list size beyond which JOIN
constructs are not flattened."
"krb_caseins_users";"off";"Sets whether Kerberos user names should be
treated as case-insensitive."
"krb_server_hostname";"";"Sets the hostname of the Kerberos server."
"krb_server_keyfile";"FILE:/usr/local/pgsql/etc/krb5.keytab";"Sets the
location of the Kerberos server key file."
"krb_srvname";"postgres";"Sets the name of the Kerberos service."
"lc_collate";"Estonian_Estonia.1257";"Shows the collation order locale."
"lc_ctype";"Estonian_Estonia.1257";"Shows the character classification and
case conversion locale."
"lc_messages";"Estonian_Estonia";"Sets the language in which messages are
"lc_monetary";"Estonian_Estonia";"Sets the locale for formatting monetary
"lc_numeric";"Estonian_Estonia";"Sets the locale for formatting numbers."
"lc_time";"Estonian_Estonia";"Sets the locale for formatting date and time
"listen_addresses";"*";"Sets the host name or IP address(es) to listen to."
"local_preload_libraries";"";"Lists shared libraries to preload into each
"log_connections";"off";"Logs each successful connection."
"log_destination";"stderr";"Sets the destination for server log output."
"log_directory";"pg_log";"Sets the destination directory for log files."
"log_disconnections";"off";"Logs end of a session, including duration."
"log_duration";"off";"Logs the duration of each completed SQL statement."
"log_error_verbosity";"default";"Sets the verbosity of logged messages."
"log_executor_stats";"off";"Writes executor performance statistics to the
server log."
"log_filename";"postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log";"Sets the file name pattern
for log files."
"log_hostname";"off";"Logs the host name in the connection logs."
"log_line_prefix";"%t ";"Controls information prefixed to each log line"
"log_min_duration_statement";"-1";"Sets the minimum execution time in
milliseconds above which statements will be logged."
"log_min_error_statement";"error";"Causes all statements generating error at
or above this level to be logged."
"log_min_messages";"notice";"Sets the message levels that are logged."
"log_parser_stats";"off";"Writes parser performance statistics to the server
"log_planner_stats";"off";"Writes planner performance statistics to the
server log."
"log_rotation_age";"1d";"Automatic log file rotation will occur after N
"log_rotation_size";"10MB";"Automatic log file rotation will occur after N
"log_statement";"none";"Sets the type of statements logged."
"log_statement_stats";"off";"Writes cumulative performance statistics to the
server log."
"log_truncate_on_rotation";"off";"Truncate existing log files of same name
during log rotation."
"maintenance_work_mem";"16MB";"Sets the maximum memory to be used for
maintenance operations."
"max_connections";"100";"Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections."
"max_files_per_process";"1000";"Sets the maximum number of simultaneously
open files for each server process."
"max_fsm_pages";"204800";"Sets the maximum number of disk pages for which
free space is tracked."
"max_fsm_relations";"1000";"Sets the maximum number of tables and indexes
for which free space is tracked."
"max_function_args";"100";"Shows the maximum number of function arguments."
"max_identifier_length";"63";"Shows the maximum identifier length"
"max_index_keys";"32";"Shows the maximum number of index keys."
"max_locks_per_transaction";"64";"Sets the maximum number of locks per
"max_prepared_transactions";"5";"Sets the maximum number of simultaneously
prepared transactions."
"max_stack_depth";"2MB";"Sets the maximum stack depth, in kilobytes."
"password_encryption";"on";"Encrypt passwords."
"port";"5432";"Sets the TCP port the server listens on."
"post_auth_delay";"0";"Waits N seconds on connection startup after
"pre_auth_delay";"0";"no description available"
"random_page_cost";"4";"Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a
nonsequentially fetched disk page."
"redirect_stderr";"on";"Start a subprocess to capture stderr output into log
"regex_flavor";"advanced";"Sets the regular expression "flavor"."
"search_path";""$user",public";"Sets the schema search order for names that
are not schema-qualified."
"seq_page_cost";"1";"Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a
sequentially fetched disk page."
"server_encoding";"UTF8";"Sets the server (database) character set
"server_version";"8.2.3";"Shows the server version."
"server_version_num";"80203";"Shows the server version as an integer."
"shared_buffers";"240000kB";"Sets the number of shared memory buffers used
by the server."
"shared_preload_libraries";"";"Lists shared libraries to preload into
"silent_mode";"off";"Runs the server silently."
"sql_inheritance";"on";"Causes subtables to be included by default in
various commands."
"ssl";"off";"Enables SSL connections."
"standard_conforming_strings";"off";"'...' strings treat backslashes
"statement_timeout";"0";"Sets the maximum allowed duration (in milliseconds)
of any statement."
"stats_block_level";"off";"Collects block-level statistics on database
"stats_command_string";"on";"Collects information about executing commands."
"stats_reset_on_server_start";"off";"Zeroes collected statistics on server
"stats_row_level";"on";"Collects row-level statistics on database activity."
"stats_start_collector";"on";"Starts the server statistics-collection
"superuser_reserved_connections";"3";"Sets the number of connection slots
reserved for superusers."
"tcp_keepalives_count";"0";"Maximum number of TCP keepalive retransmits."
"tcp_keepalives_idle";"0";"Seconds between issuing TCP keepalives."
"tcp_keepalives_interval";"0";"Seconds between TCP keepalive retransmits."
"temp_buffers";"1024";"Sets the maximum number of temporary buffers used by
each session."
"TimeZone";"Europe/Helsinki";"Sets the time zone for displaying and
interpreting time stamps."
"timezone_abbreviations";"Default";"Selects a file of time zone
"trace_notify";"off";"Generates debugging output for LISTEN and NOTIFY."
"trace_sort";"off";"Emit information about resource usage in sorting."
"transaction_isolation";"read committed";"Sets the current transaction's
isolation level."
"transaction_read_only";"off";"Sets the current transaction's read-only
"transform_null_equals";"off";"Treats "expr=NULL" as "expr IS NULL"."
"unix_socket_directory";"";"Sets the directory where the Unix-domain socket
will be created."
"unix_socket_group";"";"Sets the owning group of the Unix-domain socket."
"unix_socket_permissions";"511";"Sets the access permissions of the
Unix-domain socket."
"update_process_title";"on";"Updates the process title to show the active
SQL command."
"vacuum_cost_delay";"0";"Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds."
"vacuum_cost_limit";"200";"Vacuum cost amount available before napping."
"vacuum_cost_page_dirty";"20";"Vacuum cost for a page dirtied by vacuum."
"vacuum_cost_page_hit";"1";"Vacuum cost for a page found in the buffer
"vacuum_cost_page_miss";"10";"Vacuum cost for a page not found in the buffer
"vacuum_freeze_min_age";"100000000";"Minimum age at which VACUUM should
freeze a table row."
"wal_buffers";"64kB";"Sets the number of disk-page buffers in shared memory
for WAL."
"wal_sync_method";"open_datasync";"Selects the method used for forcing WAL
updates out to disk."
"work_mem";"1MB";"Sets the maximum memory to be used for query workspaces."
"zero_damaged_pages";"off";"Continues processing past damaged page headers."

"Andrus" <> writes:
> SELECT * FROM firma1.toode WHERE toode LIKE '�%'
> causes error:

> ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 2147483648
> SQL state: XX000

This looks like a problem already reported, and patched here:
but that fix hasn't made it into any released version yet.

            regards, tom lane

> This looks like a problem already reported, and patched here:
> but that fix hasn't made it into any released version yet.

Thank you.

I fixed it in my application by changing index to upper() instead of lower :

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX toode_toode_unique_pattern_idx1
  ON firma1.toode
  USING btree
  (upper(toode::text) text_pattern_ops);

and using

SELECT * FROM firma1.toode WHERE upper(toode)  LIKE 'Ä%'

Will this work OK ?


"Andrus" <> writes:
>> This looks like a problem already reported, and patched here:
>> but that fix hasn't made it into any released version yet.

> Thank you.

> I fixed it in my application by changing index to upper() instead of lower :

> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX toode_toode_unique_pattern_idx1
>   ON firma1.toode
>   USING btree
>   (upper(toode::text) text_pattern_ops);

> and using

> SELECT * FROM firma1.toode WHERE upper(toode)  LIKE '�%'

> Will this work OK ?

I think you're probably just dodging one symptom by exposing yourself
to others :-(.  Maybe you will hit some other cases, or maybe not;
there's not enough detail here to guess.

We are overdue for another set of patch releases, but right now the core
committee is trying to focus on pushing 8.3 to beta release readiness.
I hope we can come up for air from that, and push out some back-branch
updates, in the second half of August.

            regards, tom lane