Thread: Re: recovery_target_time ignored or recovery always recov ersto end of WAL

Re: recovery_target_time ignored or recovery always recov ersto end of WAL

"Jason Buberel"
LOL.  Thats what i get for running configure and make with PG_HOME set to my 8.1.4 install.

With that fixed i will start probing my WAL archives now.


------- Original Message -------
From: Tom Lane <>
To: "Jason L. Buberel" <>
Sent: 7/2/2007, 1:33:24 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] recovery_target_time ignored or recovery always recoversto end of WAL

"Jason L. Buberel" <> writes:
> What worries me is the 'record with zero length',

That's just the normal way of detecting end of WAL.

            regards, tom lane