Thread: upgrade 8.1.4 -> latest, sort order subquery

upgrade 8.1.4 -> latest, sort order subquery

jef peeraer
i decide this weekend to upgrade to the latest stable version from an
8.1.4 . Upgrade went smootly, as usual, but today, i've got some
phonecalls of something weird. The query is as follows :

registratie=# select * from module_info where type_module_id = 1;
   naam  | korte_beschrijving |  kolom_naam   |   xul_opties    |
type_veld_id | lengte | is_verplicht | type_module_id
  alg_02 | naam               | naam          |                 |

3 |      0 | f            |              1
  alg_03 | voornaam           | voornamen     |                 |

3 |      0 | f            |              1
  alg_01 | anoniem            | anoniem       |                 |

2 |      0 | f            |              1
  cl_01  | geslacht           | geslacht      |                 |

1 |      0 | t            |              1
  cl_19  | geboortedatum      | geboortedatum | hide_clock,true |

7 |      0 | f            |              1
  cl_02  | leeftijd           | leeftijd      |                 |

1 |      0 | t            |              1
  cl_15  | origine            | origine       |                 |

1 |      0 | f            |              1
(7 rows)

i combine this with the next query in a subquery

registratie=# select * from get_parent_type_modules(1);
NOTICE:   first query
(1 row)

The resulting query , which should return the same result as the first one

registratie=# select * from module_info where type_module_id in
             (select * from get_parent_type_modules(1));
NOTICE:   first query
   naam  | korte_beschrijving |  kolom_naam   |   xul_opties    |
type_veld_id | lengte | is_verplicht | type_module_id
  cl_15  | origine            | origine       |                 |

1 |      0 | f            |              1
  cl_02  | leeftijd           | leeftijd      |                 |

1 |      0 | t            |              1
  cl_19  | geboortedatum      | geboortedatum | hide_clock,true |

7 |      0 | f            |              1
  cl_01  | geslacht           | geslacht      |                 |

1 |      0 | t            |              1
  alg_01 | anoniem            | anoniem       |                 |

2 |      0 | f            |              1
  alg_03 | voornaam           | voornamen     |                 |

3 |      0 | f            |              1
  alg_02 | naam               | naam          |                 |

3 |      0 | f            |              1
(7 rows)

The order is completely ignored, although there is an order by in the view

jef peeraer

Re: upgrade 8.1.4 -> latest, sort order subquery

Richard Huxton
jef peeraer wrote:
> i decide this weekend to upgrade to the latest stable version from an
> 8.1.4 . Upgrade went smootly, as usual, but today, i've got some
> phonecalls of something weird. The query is as follows :
> registratie=# select * from module_info where type_module_id = 1;

> i combine this with the next query in a subquery

> The resulting query , which should return the same result as the first one

Here's where I think you're wrong.

> registratie=# select * from module_info where type_module_id in
>             (select * from get_parent_type_modules(1));

> The order is completely ignored, although there is an order by in the view
> 'module_info'

You're applying a where clause to the output of your view - filtering it
after the sort is done. If that filter is e.g. by a hash then the result
will be in a different order (or at least might be).

In general, the only ORDER BY you can rely on is one applied to the
final results of your SELECT.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Re: upgrade 8.1.4 -> latest, sort order subquery

Michael Glaesemann
On Jun 26, 2007, at 14:52 , jef peeraer wrote:

> The order is completely ignored, although there is an order by in
> the view
> 'module_info'

I don't know what has caused the change in your system, but IIRC, the
spec does not require a view to return rows in any particular order—
I'm not even sure the spec allows ORDER BY in a view definition.
(Whether or not PostgreSQL follows the spec in this case is another
matter—I don't believe it does. So there's probably something a
little more interesting going on here that others might help you with.)

A quick, spec-compliant fix would be to add an ORDER BY clause in the
calling query.

Other than the row order, the results look correct, or am I missing

You might also look into using a set returning function, in which you
can specify the order of the results.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

Re: upgrade 8.1.4 -> latest, sort order subquery

Tom Lane
Richard Huxton <> writes:
> jef peeraer wrote:
>> registratie=# select * from module_info where type_module_id in
>> (select * from get_parent_type_modules(1));

>> The order is completely ignored, although there is an order by in the view
>> 'module_info'

> You're applying a where clause to the output of your view - filtering it
> after the sort is done. If that filter is e.g. by a hash then the result
> will be in a different order (or at least might be).

Yeah, that IN-clause will in fact be turned into a join.  EXPLAIN would
give more info about what's happening, but I suspect the planner chose
to do the join via mergejoin, which would sort the inputs by the join
columns ...

            regards, tom lane