Thread: LC_CTYPE and matching accented chars

LC_CTYPE and matching accented chars

Martin Langhoff
Trying to understand how I can get Pg 8.2 to match 'martín' when I
search for 'martin', and going through the documentation, specially

Here is a transcript of my commandline - I suspect I am quite close, but
something is missing. Hints _really_ appreciated!

      # do I have a Spanish locale on this box?
      locale -a
      # no I don't - let's make one
      sudo locale-gen es_AR.utf8
      # check that I have it
      locale -a
      sudo pg_createcluster --locale=es_AR.utf8 8.2 arg
      sudo pg_ctlcluster 8.2 arg start
      sudo -u postgres createdb --cluster 8.2/arg testing
      sudo -u postgres psql --cluster 8.2/arg testing
      # in psql...
      =# create table test (value text);
      =#  insert into test values ('martín');
      INSERT 0 1

      # this is apparently the right way to
      # select base character based on the "equivalence class"
      # as defined in the LC_CTYPE
      =# select * from test where value ~ 'mart[=i=]n';
      (0 rows)
      # grumble - double check
      =# SHOW LC_CTYPE;

Any hints in general?

 - How can I read the LC_CTYPE definition? IOWs locale-gen has created a
binary blob in  /usr/lib/locale/es_AR.utf8/LC_CTYPE but I sure there is
a human-readable definition somewhere...

 - Is that the correct syntax?

 - Pg bug? I doubt many people are counting on this behaviour... as it
seems to be widely announced to be brittle and slow.


Martin @ Catalyst .Net .NZ  Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St,  Wellington
WEB:           PHYS: Level 2, 150-154 Willis St
OFFICE: +64(4)916-7224  UK: 0845 868 5733 ext 7224  MOB: +64(21)364-017
      Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler - Einstein

Re: LC_CTYPE and matching accented chars

Alvaro Herrera
Martin Langhoff wrote:
> Trying to understand how I can get Pg 8.2 to match 'martín' when I
> search for 'martin', and going through the documentation, specially
> Here is a transcript of my commandline - I suspect I am quite close, but
> something is missing. Hints _really_ appreciated!

>       =# create table test (value text);
>       =#  insert into test values ('martín');
>       INSERT 0 1
>       # this is apparently the right way to
>       # select base character based on the "equivalence class"
>       # as defined in the LC_CTYPE
>       =# select * from test where value ~ 'mart[=i=]n';

I think it would be much easier if you did something like

select * from test where lower(to_ascii(value)) = lower(to_ascii('martín'));

When to_ascii doesn't work (for example because it doesn't work in UTF8)
you may want to use convert() to recode the text to latin1 or latin9.

Alvaro Herrera                      
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Re: LC_CTYPE and matching accented chars

Martin Langhoff
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Martin Langhoff wrote:
>>       # this is apparently the right way to
>>       # select base character based on the "equivalence class"
>>       # as defined in the LC_CTYPE
>>       =# select * from test where value ~ 'mart[=i=]n';
> I think it would be much easier if you did something like
> select * from test where lower(to_ascii(value)) = lower(to_ascii('martín'));
> When to_ascii doesn't work (for example because it doesn't work in UTF8)
> you may want to use convert() to recode the text to latin1 or latin9.

Well, with the example above to_ascii doesn't work.

  select to_ascii(value) from test ;
  ERROR:  encoding conversion from UTF8 to ASCII not supported

And neither does convert

  select convert(value using utf8_to_ascii) from test ;
  ERROR:  character 0xc3 of encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent
   in "SQL_ASCII"

  select convert('martín' using utf8_to_ascii) from test ;
  ERROR:  character 0xc3 of encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent
   in "SQL_ASCII"

Any other alternatives?

BTW, this is on Pg8.2 as seen on Ubuntu Feisty PPC.

  $ dpkg -l postgresql-8.2
  ii  postgresql-8.2                8.2.4-0ubuntu0.7.04


Martin @ Catalyst .Net .NZ  Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St,  Wellington
WEB:           PHYS: Level 2, 150-154 Willis St
OFFICE: +64(4)916-7224  UK: 0845 868 5733 ext 7224  MOB: +64(21)364-017
      Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler - Einstein

Re: LC_CTYPE and matching accented chars

Michael Fuhr
On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 09:28:24AM +1200, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> > I think it would be much easier if you did something like
> >
> > select * from test where lower(to_ascii(value)) = lower(to_ascii('martín'));
> >
> > When to_ascii doesn't work (for example because it doesn't work in UTF8)
> > you may want to use convert() to recode the text to latin1 or latin9.
> Well, with the example above to_ascii doesn't work.
>   select to_ascii(value) from test ;
>   ERROR:  encoding conversion from UTF8 to ASCII not supported
> And neither does convert
>   select convert(value using utf8_to_ascii) from test ;
>   ERROR:  character 0xc3 of encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent
>    in "SQL_ASCII"

As Alvaro suggested, try converting to latin1 or latin9 and then
calling to_ascii:

select 'martin' = to_ascii(convert('martín', 'latin1'), 'latin1');
(1 row)

For other possibilities search the list archives for examples of
"unaccent" functions that normalize text to NFD (Unicode Normalization
Form D) and remove nonspacing marks.  Here's a message with a couple
of PL/Perl functions:

Michael Fuhr

Re: LC_CTYPE and matching accented chars

Martin Langhoff
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Martin Langhoff wrote:
>>       # this is apparently the right way to
>>       # select base character based on the "equivalence class"
>>       # as defined in the LC_CTYPE
>>       =# select * from test where value ~ 'mart[=i=]n';
> I think it would be much easier if you did something like
> select * from test where lower(to_ascii(value)) = lower(to_ascii('martín'));
> When to_ascii doesn't work (for example because it doesn't work in UTF8)
> you may want to use convert() to recode the text to latin1 or latin9.

Well, with the example above to_ascii doesn't work.

  select to_ascii(value) from test ;
  ERROR:  encoding conversion from UTF8 to ASCII not supported

And neither does convert

  select convert(value using utf8_to_ascii) from test ;
  ERROR:  character 0xc3 of encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent
   in "SQL_ASCII"

  select convert('martín' using utf8_to_ascii) from test ;
  ERROR:  character 0xc3 of encoding "MULE_INTERNAL" has no equivalent
   in "SQL_ASCII"

Any other alternatives?

BTW, this is on Pg8.2 as seen on Ubuntu Feisty PPC.

  $ dpkg -l postgresql-8.2
  ii  postgresql-8.2                8.2.4-0ubuntu0.7.04


Martin @ Catalyst .Net .NZ  Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St,  Wellington
WEB:           PHYS: Level 2, 150-154 Willis St
OFFICE: +64(4)916-7224  UK: 0845 868 5733 ext 7224  MOB: +64(21)364-017
      Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler - Einstein