Thread: Granting privileges on views to group roles

Granting privileges on views to group roles

Marc Balmer
I am having a hard time here with PostgreSQL 8.2.4...  What I want to do
is rather simple:

I have two login roles, user_A and admin_A, and a group role, group_A.
user_A is member of group_A

I create a table t_data, owned by admin_A
I create a view v_data, owned by admin_A
Now I grant SELECT privilege on view v_data to group_A

I would by now assume that user_A can SELECT data on v_data, but he can

What am I doing wrong here?  According to the docs, I should be able to
GRANT on views to group roles.

Re: Granting privileges on views to group roles

Tom Lane
Marc Balmer <> writes:
> I have two login roles, user_A and admin_A, and a group role, group_A.
> user_A is member of group_A

> I create a table t_data, owned by admin_A
> I create a view v_data, owned by admin_A
> Now I grant SELECT privilege on view v_data to group_A

> I would by now assume that user_A can SELECT data on v_data, but he can
> not.

Maybe you should show us exactly what you did, rather than a handwavy
description of what you think you did.  The exact error message would
be handy too.

            regards, tom lane