Thread: cache - timing

cache - timing

I am trying to measure the time taken for a number of queries using
\timing .
All queries on my table other than the first one are pretty fast. This
is likely due to caching. Is there any way to clear the internal cache
of Postgres. Should I be worried about the entire OS cache also?

Appreciate the help!

Re: cache - timing

Vivek Khera
On Mar 19, 2007, at 1:58 AM, ab wrote:

> I am trying to measure the time taken for a number of queries using
> \timing .
> All queries on my table other than the first one are pretty fast. This
> is likely due to caching. Is there any way to clear the internal cache
> of Postgres. Should I be worried about the entire OS cache also?

restarting postgres ought to do it.

however, also note that your OS's disk cache plays a big role, and
generally the only way to flush that is to reboot and/or do a lot of
other random IO.
