Thread: first steps in PhP and PostgreSQL

first steps in PhP and PostgreSQL

Desmond Coughlan
X-No-Archive: true
I'm sure that it's a typo or something, but as I'm getting into PhP and PostgreSQL for the first time, I can't be sure.
I have a db, called 'cdi' ..
A 'SELECT * FROM stock;' gets me this in psql ..
cdi=> SELECT * from stock ;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+-------------------------------
stock_ids     | 1
isbn_no       | 10101010
code_livre    | 23455
titre         | toto goes to Hollywood
editeur       | editions toto
collection    | collection toto
auteur_nom    | smith
auteur_prenom | john
matiere       | ang
media_type    | li
-[ RECORD 2 ]-+-------------------------------
stock_ids     | 2
isbn_no       | 10536278
code_livre    | 24874
titre         | toto comes back from Hollywood
editeur       | editions baba
collection    | collection toto
auteur_nom    | martin
auteur_prenom | peter
matiere       | fre
media_type    | dvd

So the db is populated.  I now do this in a file called base.php ..
pg_connect ("dbname=cdi user=cdi password=toto") or die
("Couldn't Connect: ".pg_last_error());
$query="SELECT * FROM stock";
// start the output
while($row=pg_fetch_array($query,NULL,PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
echo "Title: ".$row['isbn_no']."<br />";
echo "blah ".$row['code_livre']."<br />";

I copy that file to my apache server, in php_experimental/base.php and access it via a browser.
I don't get an error message. I instead get a blank page.
Your advice would be welcome.

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Re: first steps in PhP and PostgreSQL

Bill Moran
In response to Desmond Coughlan <>:

> X-No-Archive: true

X-WTF: huh?


>   I copy that file to my apache server, in php_experimental/base.php
> and access it via a browser.
>   I don't get an error message. I instead get a blank page.

Check the applicable php.ini for where error messages are being sent to.
It's typical on production servers to configure PHP to only send errors
to syslog, or a file, which usually means they end up in httpd-error.log.

When developing, it's usually more convenient to have errors sent to the
browser, which is what it seems you were expecting.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

Re: first steps in PhP and PostgreSQL

Roman Neuhauser
# / 2006-11-06 15:05:25 +0100:
>   I'm sure that it's a typo or something, but as I'm getting into PhP
>   and PostgreSQL for the first time, I can't be sure.

>   <?php
>   pg_connect ("dbname=cdi user=cdi password=toto") or die
> ("Couldn't Connect: ".pg_last_error());
> $query="SELECT * FROM stock";
> $query=pg_query($query);
>   // start the output
>   while($row=pg_fetch_array($query,NULL,PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
> echo "Title: ".$row['isbn_no']."<br />";
> echo "blah ".$row['code_livre']."<br />";
> }
>   ?>
>   I copy that file to my apache server, in php_experimental/base.php
>   and access it via a browser.
>   I don't get an error message. I instead get a blank page.

    Check apache's error log. If you can't figure it out then, better
    place to ask further questions would be

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.   

Re: first steps in PhP and PostgreSQL

Richard Huxton
Desmond Coughlan wrote:
>   <?php
>   pg_connect ("dbname=cdi user=cdi password=toto") or die
> ("Couldn't Connect: ".pg_last_error());
> $query="SELECT * FROM stock";
> $query=pg_query($query);

Firstly, rewrite this as
   $sql = "SELECT * FROM stock";
   $res = pg_query($sql);

   echo "pg_query($sql) = $res<br>";
   echo "num rows = ".pg_num_rows($res)."<br>";

>   // start the output
>   while($row=pg_fetch_array($query,NULL,PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
> echo "Title: ".$row['isbn_no']."<br />";
> echo "blah ".$row['code_livre']."<br />";
> }
>   ?>

Now you'll know what the return-code of pg_query was as well as how manu
rows it returned. Does that help at all?

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Re: first steps in PhP and PostgreSQL

Have you checked your webserver error logs?

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Desmond Coughlan wrote:

> X-No-Archive: true
>  Hi,
>  I'm sure that it's a typo or something, but as I'm getting into PhP and PostgreSQL for the first time, I can't be
>  I have a db, called 'cdi' ..
>  A 'SELECT * FROM stock;' gets me this in psql ..
>  cdi=> SELECT * from stock ;
> -[ RECORD 1 ]-+-------------------------------
> stock_ids     | 1
> isbn_no       | 10101010
> code_livre    | 23455
> titre         | toto goes to Hollywood
> editeur       | editions toto
> collection    | collection toto
> auteur_nom    | smith
> auteur_prenom | john
> matiere       | ang
> media_type    | li
> -[ RECORD 2 ]-+-------------------------------
> stock_ids     | 2
> isbn_no       | 10536278
> code_livre    | 24874
> titre         | toto comes back from Hollywood
> editeur       | editions baba
> collection    | collection toto
> auteur_nom    | martin
> auteur_prenom | peter
> matiere       | fre
> media_type    | dvd
>  So the db is populated.  I now do this in a file called base.php ..
>  <?php
>  pg_connect ("dbname=cdi user=cdi password=toto") or die
> ("Couldn't Connect: ".pg_last_error());
> $query="SELECT * FROM stock";
> $query=pg_query($query);
>  // start the output
>  while($row=pg_fetch_array($query,NULL,PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
> echo "Title: ".$row['isbn_no']."<br />";
> echo "blah ".$row['code_livre']."<br />";
> }
>  ?>
>  I copy that file to my apache server, in php_experimental/base.php and access it via a browser.
>  I don't get an error message. I instead get a blank page.
>  Your advice would be welcome.
>  D.
> ---------------------------------
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RE : Re: first steps in PhP and PostgreSQL

Desmond Coughlan
X-No-Archive: true
Yep... - - [07/Nov/2006:10:12:57 +0100] "GET /php_experimental/base.php HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"

Ben <> a écrit :
Have you checked your webserver error logs?

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Desmond Coughlan wrote:

> X-No-Archive: true
> Hi,
> I'm sure that it's a typo or something, but as I'm getting into PhP and PostgreSQL for the first time, I can't be sure.
> I have a db, called 'cdi' ..
> A 'SELECT * FROM stock;' gets me this in psql ..
> cdi=> SELECT * from stock ;
> -[ RECORD 1 ]-+-------------------------------
> stock_ids | 1
> isbn_no | 10101010
> code_livre | 23455
> titre | toto goes to Hollywood
> editeur | editions toto
> collection | collection toto
> auteur_nom | smith
> auteur_prenom | john
> matiere | ang
> media_type | li
> -[ RECORD 2 ]-+-------------------------------
> stock_ids | 2
> isbn_no | 10536278
> code_livre | 24874
> titre | toto comes back from Hollywood
> editeur | editions baba
> collection | collection toto
> auteur_nom | martin
> auteur_prenom | peter
> matiere | fre
> media_type | dvd
> So the db is populated. I now do this in a file called base.php ..
> > pg_connect ("dbname=cdi user=cdi password=toto") or die
> ("Couldn't Connect: ".pg_last_error());
> $query="SELECT * FROM stock";
> $query=pg_query($query);
> // start the output
> while($row=pg_fetch_array($query,NULL,PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
> echo "Title: ".$row['isbn_no']."
> echo "blah ".$row['code_livre']."
> }
> ?>
> I copy that file to my apache server, in php_experimental/base.php and access it via a browser.
> I don't get an error message. I instead get a blank page.
> Your advice would be welcome.
> D.
> ---------------------------------
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Des Coughlan
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