Thread: query takes 65 times longer if I add 1 column (explain attached)

query takes 65 times longer if I add 1 column (explain attached)

"Dan Weber"

I've got a query that takes a very long time to execute if I add an
additional column to the SELECT clause.

Here is Query A, the slow one.  I've numbered the rows
of the EXPLAIN for convenience.

psql=# explain analyze SELECT timestamp, src_ip, dst_ip, id,
  string_one, string_two FROM table_one LEFT JOIN table_two USING(id)
  WHERE TRUE AND src_ip = '' ORDER BY timestamp DESC
  LIMIT 10;

                 QUERY PLAN


a1. Limit (cost=18954.93..18954.95 rows=10 width=136)
    (actual time=169038.823..169038.851 rows=10 loops=1)

a2.   ->  Sort  (cost= 18954.93..18959.75 rows=1929 width=136)
      (actual time=169038.816..169038.825 rows=10 loops=1)

a3.         Sort Key: table_one."timestamp"

a4.         ->  Nested Loop Left Join
        (cost= 0.00..18849.66 rows=1929 width=136)
        (actual time=862.661..169036.636 rows=179 loops=1)

a5.               Join Filter: ("outer".id = "inner".id)

a6.               ->  Index Scan using table_one_type_key on
              table_one  (cost=0.00..17.70 rows=3 width=72)
              (actual time=0.083..864.386 rows=179 loops=1)

a7.                     Index Cond: (src_ip = ' '::inet)

a8.               ->  Seq Scan on table_two  (cost=0.00..4669.92
              rows=128592 width=68)
              (actual time=842.166..933.496 rows=4202 loops=179)

 Total runtime: 169039.368 ms
(9 rows)

Time: 169041.495 ms

It takes almost 3 minutes to run.  If I knock off either string_one or
string_two, the query runs in <3 seconds.  Here is Query B:

psql=# explain analyze SELECT timestamp, src_ip, dst_ip, id,
  string_one FROM table_one LEFT JOIN table_two USING(id) WHERE TRUE
  AND src_ip = '' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 10;

                 QUERY PLAN


b1. Limit  (cost=17617.45..17617.47 rows=10 width=104
    (actual time=2644.975..2645.003 rows=10 loops=1)

b2.   ->  Sort  (cost=17617.45..17622.27 rows=1929 width=104)
      (actual time=2644.968..2644.978 rows=10 loops=1)

b3.         Sort Key: table_one."timestamp"

b4.         ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=5810.75..17512.19
        rows=1929 width=104)
        (actual time=956.129..2643.458 rows=179 loops=1)

b5.               Join Filter: ("outer".id = "inner".id)

b6.               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on table_one
              (cost=7.24..13.72 rows=3 width=72)
              (actual time=39.745..67.818 rows=179 loops=1)

b7.                     Recheck Cond: (src_ip = ''::inet)

b8.                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on table_one_type_key 
                (cost=0.00..7.24 rows=3 width=0)
                (actual time=29.399..29.399 rows=179 loops=1)

b9.                           Index Cond: (src_ip = ' '::inet)

b10.              ->  Materialize  (cost=5803.51..8094.43
              rows=128592 width=36)
              (actual time=4.573..9.462 rows=4202 loops=179)

b11.                    ->  Seq Scan on table_two 
                (cost=0.00..4669.92 rows=128592 width=36)
                (actual time=818.216..895.127
                 rows=4202 loops=1)

 Total runtime: 2646.899 ms
(12 rows)

If we compare each EXPLAIN, they're about the same down through line
5, the Join Filter.  But Query A joins things from an "Index Scan" and
a "Seq Scan," while Query B joins things from a "Bitmap Index Scan"
and a "Materialize."

1. Why is the additional column causing such a big change in the
   searching technique, given that the column is not involved in
   the WHERE at all?

2. Besides indices, how can I coerce Postgres to act like Query
   B instead of like Query A?

Re: query takes 65 times longer if I add 1 column (explain attached)

Tom Lane
"Dan Weber" <> writes:
> I've got a query that takes a very long time to execute if I add an
> additional column to the SELECT clause.

What have you got work_mem set to?

I'm guessing that the case where it doesn't add the Materialize node is
because it estimates the size of the data-to-be-materialized as more
than work_mem, which means that Materialize would require a temp file,
which causes a fairly big jump in the estimated cost of materializing,
which makes the no-materialize plan look cheaper.  The two plans have
nearly the same estimated cost so it wouldn't take much to make that

The fact that the estimates diverge so far from reality can no doubt be
blamed on the horridly bad rowcount estimates: 3 rows estimated vs
179 actual for table_one, and 128592 estimated vs 4202 actual for
table_two.  Have you ANALYZEd these tables lately?

            regards, tom lane

Re: query takes 65 times longer if I add 1 column (explain attached)

"Dan Weber"

What have you got work_mem set to?

The default, 1024.
The fact that the estimates diverge so far from reality can no doubt be
blamed on the horridly bad rowcount estimates: 3 rows estimated vs
179 actual for table_one, and 128592 estimated vs 4202 actual for
table_two.  Have you ANALYZEd these tables lately?

Nope.  Doing that caused the first operation to respond very quickly.
(And the second as well, of course.)

Thanks for the assistance.