Thread: Encoding problem

Encoding problem

Arnaud Lesauvage
Hi List !

I am trying to remove accents from a string. I found a nice
solution for this on postgresqlfr, using the to_ascii()

Now, the problem I have is :

mydb=# SELECT to_ascii(convert('abcdef', 'LATIN9'));
ERROR:  encoding conversion from UTF8 to ASCII not supported

Why is the conversion to LATIN9 not working as expected ?
My database's encoding is UTF8.

Furthermore, in PgAdmin, running SELECT convert(somestring,
'LATIN9'); returns empty strings whenever somestring
contains special (accentued, in my case) characters.
SELECT Length(convert(somestring, 'LATIN9')); looks OK though !

I think my misunderstanding of encoding is driving me crazy...
Could anyone help me on this ?

Thanks !

Re: Encoding problem

"Albe Laurenz"
> I am trying to remove accents from a string. I found a nice
> solution for this on postgresqlfr, using the to_ascii()
> function.
> Now, the problem I have is :
> mydb=# SELECT to_ascii(convert('abcdef', 'LATIN9'));
> ERROR:  encoding conversion from UTF8 to ASCII not supported
> Why is the conversion to LATIN9 not working as expected ?
> My database's encoding is UTF8.

Maybe you actually want to

test=> select to_ascii(convert('ábcdêf', 'LATIN9'), 'LATIN9');
(1 row)

Laurenz Albe

Re: Encoding problem

Arnaud Lesauvage
Albe Laurenz a écrit :
>> I am trying to remove accents from a string. I found a nice
>> solution for this on postgresqlfr, using the to_ascii()
>> function.
>> Now, the problem I have is :
>> mydb=# SELECT to_ascii(convert('abcdef', 'LATIN9'));
>> ERROR:  encoding conversion from UTF8 to ASCII not supported
>> Why is the conversion to LATIN9 not working as expected ?
>> My database's encoding is UTF8.
> Maybe you actually want to
> test=> select to_ascii(convert('ábcdêf', 'LATIN9'), 'LATIN9');
>  to_ascii
> ----------
>  abcdef
> (1 row)

Indeed !!!
Thanks a lot !
I suppose that not giving the encoding to 'to_ascii'
defaulted to the database encoding ?
Sorry for this mistake, I did not realize that this setting
existed for the to_ascii function...

Thanks again !
