Thread: encoding problem

encoding problem

jef peeraer
i never thought i would be bblocked by an encoding problem :-(
My database is in LATIN1 , i have entries like this in a table called
     Column     |   Type   |                       Modifiers
  id            | integer  | serial....
  gemeente      | text     | not null
  postcode      | smallint | not null
  provincies_id | integer  |

This data is copied from a dump from that table

9780    Quévy    7040    7
9781    Quévy-le-Grand    7040    7
9782    Quévy-le-Petit    7040    7

So, the accents are there. But with my web page, which is set to
ISO-8859-1, i don't get the accents.
The web-pages are build with XUL, where i set the charset to ISO-8859-1,
but communication with the server is through  XMLHttpRequest.
Do I have to specify the charset as well in the communication between
server and client ? Or where else could it go wrong.

jef peeraer

Re: encoding problem

jef peeraer wrote:
> i never thought i would be bblocked by an encoding problem :-(
> My database is in LATIN1 , i have entries like this in a table called
> gemeenten
>     Column     |   Type   |                       Modifiers
> ---------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------
>  id            | integer  | serial....
>  gemeente      | text     | not null
>  postcode      | smallint | not null
>  provincies_id | integer  |
> This data is copied from a dump from that table
> 9780    Quévy    7040    7
> 9781    Quévy-le-Grand    7040    7
> 9782    Quévy-le-Petit    7040    7
> So, the accents are there. But with my web page, which is set to
> ISO-8859-1, i don't get the accents.
> The web-pages are build with XUL, where i set the charset to ISO-8859-1,
> but communication with the server is through  XMLHttpRequest.
> Do I have to specify the charset as well in the communication between
> server and client ? Or where else could it go wrong.
> jef peeraer

I am not sure where your problem is, but we have used a PostgreSQL
database with the default encoding (ISO something or ANSI something,
can't recall right now, but not Unicode or so) for several years storing
all kind of encodings inside and outputting them successfully.

Only the browser encoding must match the original encoding.

Don't know if this helps, just wanted to give you our example.

All best,

Re:  encoding problem

Hi Jef,

I use the prototype 1.4 to ajax some web pages. I have to encodeURI the post form data especial the string form value, otherwise the server will receive wrong encoding characters.
If you can not see the query result in correct web page encoding, maybe the page container of this XUL ajax control is not match of your setting of the web page.


Steve Yao

发件人:"jef peeraer" <>
发送时间:2006-10-13 17:14:53
主题:[GENERAL] encoding problem

i never thought i would be bblocked by an encoding problem :-(
My database is in LATIN1 , i have entries like this in a table called
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | serial....
gemeente | text | not null
postcode | smallint | not null
provincies_id | integer |

This data is copied from a dump from that table

9780 Quévy 7040 7
9781 Quévy-le-Grand 7040 7
9782 Quévy-le-Petit 7040 7

So, the accents are there. But with my web page, which is set to
ISO-8859-1, i don't get the accents.
The web-pages are build with XUL, where i set the charset to ISO-8859-1,
but communication with the server is through XMLHttpRequest.
Do I have to specify the charset as well in the communication between
server and client ? Or where else could it go wrong.

jef peeraer

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

这 些 让 她 幸 福 迭 起 ( 图 )
汗 ! 女 人 穿 这 些 最 迷 人 , 女 友 亲 自 给 演 示 ( 组 图 )

Re: encoding problem

jef peeraer
jef peeraer schreef:
> i never thought i would be bblocked by an encoding problem :-(
> My database is in LATIN1 , i have entries like this in a table called
> gemeenten
>     Column     |   Type   |                       Modifiers
> ---------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------
>  id            | integer  | serial....
>  gemeente      | text     | not null
>  postcode      | smallint | not null
>  provincies_id | integer  |
> This data is copied from a dump from that table
> 9780    Quévy    7040    7
> 9781    Quévy-le-Grand    7040    7
> 9782    Quévy-le-Petit    7040    7
> So, the accents are there. But with my web page, which is set to
> ISO-8859-1, i don't get the accents.
> The web-pages are build with XUL, where i set the charset to ISO-8859-1,
> but communication with the server is through  XMLHttpRequest.
> Do I have to specify the charset as well in the communication between
> server and client ? Or where else could it go wrong.
> jef peeraer
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

thanks for the help. The problem was lying in the fact that use
json_encode procedure from PHP. This procedure requires that the string
to be encoded be in UTF-8 format. So basically, my database stays in
LATIN1 and i set client encoding to UTF-8, as well as all web pages.

jef peeraer