Thread: Compiling libpqddll.lib win32 mingw msys
What parameters have to be passed to configure or make to build the import library files like libpqddll.lib on win32 using msys and mingw? Thank in advance -- Keith Hutchison
Context postgres-8.1.3. win32 Found out to get libpqddll this had to be compiled with the VS compiler. Using the following steps. . 1. Download the MS Platform SDK 2. Change pg_config.h line 11 to have a closing quote on a string 3. Set paths to include C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include and C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib 4. change fe-connector.c to include a reference for ShFolder.h #include <ShFolder.h> 5. compile release files using nmake /f win32.mak and debug files using nmake /f win32.mak DEBUG=1 from the src folder for postgresql-8.1.3. The binaries don't compile but the libraries and dlls do. -- Keith Hutchison