Thread: PG8 Stalling/Not Exit/Not Performing Issue

PG8 Stalling/Not Exit/Not Performing Issue

Hi Everyone,

I have come across a very sticky situation which is very concerning,
and frustrating. The server we run - AMD Opteron, 2GB RAM, 2x CPU's,
runs Postgres, Apache and PHP to run our web applications.

Last week I upgraded from Postgres 7.4.2 to Postgres 8 and have been
running beutifully since then (last wed). For some reason today, my web
app has been incredibly slow, and now that I'm trying to diagnose the
problem, I've had the entire server hang. I completely stopped all
processes and started from scratch on starting PG and Apache.

I have not been able to exit PG and have had to kill processes.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
