Thread: wrong timestamp

wrong timestamp

I use Postgresql 8.1.4 on Debian,
when I run command 'select current timestamp' or 'select now'  in
pgAdmin, I everytime get "2000-01-01 03:02:16.105976+03".
When I run 'select TIMEOFDAY()' I get right time.

Whats wrong?

Re: wrong timestamp

Michael Fuhr
On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 05:54:00PM +0400, xyzyx wrote:
> I use Postgresql 8.1.4 on Debian,
> when I run command 'select current timestamp' or 'select now'  in
> pgAdmin, I everytime get "2000-01-01 03:02:16.105976+03".
> When I run 'select TIMEOFDAY()' I get right time.

Are you getting the actual value "2000-01-01 03:02:16.105976+03"
or is that just a hypothetical example to show that the value doesn't
change?  If the latter then see the comments about current_timestamp
in the documentation:

"It is important to know that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and related functions
return the start time of the current transaction; their values do
not change during the transaction.  This is considered a feature:
the intent is to allow a single transaction to have a consistent
notion of the 'current' time, so that multiple modifications within
the same transaction bear the same time stamp."

Michael Fuhr