Thread: FOR from query - is it a bug ?

FOR from query - is it a bug ?

I have function (below) that returns values in table format. But when
source table ( xxx.logic_list_item ) is empty I've got following
message in log:
"row number -1 is out of range 0..-1"

Is it a error message ? To be honest I do not know how to handle
situation when source table is empty, what should I return? In reposnse
I would like to see '0 rows found'

I'm using Postgress 8.1.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION freeconet.find_logic_items () RETURNS SETOF
xxx.logic_list_item  AS $$
v_logic_item xxx.logic_list_item;

       /* WYSZUKUJE logic_list_item w bazie */
       FOR v_logic_item IN select *  from xxx.logic_list_item LOOP
    return next v_logic_item;
       END LOOP;



select * from xxx.find_logic_items()

Michal Szymanski

Re: FOR from query - is it a bug ?

Michael Fuhr
On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 07:37:17AM -0700, Szymic1 wrote:
> I have function (below) that returns values in table format. But when
> source table ( xxx.logic_list_item ) is empty I've got following
> message in log:
> "row number -1 is out of range 0..-1"

What log?  What client are you using -- psql or something else?
Warnings like this can happen if a client application calls a libpq
function like PQgetvalue() without first checking whether the query
returned any tuples.

Michael Fuhr