Thread: Interface Guidance and Opinions Needed

Interface Guidance and Opinions Needed

"Chris Golden"


Hello to all,


This is my first time posting to this forum and I am very new to PostgreSQL.  I am very excited about using it.  I have set up a database and just need a point in the right direction on interfacing.   I have an orders and messages database.  One of the providers I would like to interface with has sent me an XML spec to make HTTPS posts to.  I am just wondering what would be the easiest thing to use to implement the two.  I would like to scan my database for new orders then do an HTTPS post to the provider.  I would also like to periodically check for new orders/messages from the provider via an HTTPS post and bring them into my database (a constant exchange of information).  I am wondering if something like PHP would be a universal solution, or something similar?


Sorry if the information I have given is basic, I have been doing research on the internet trying to figure out which direction to go and starting off is a little overwhelming.


Thanks in advance for any information


Chris Golden


Re: Interface Guidance and Opinions Needed

Kenneth Downs
Chris Golden wrote:


Hello to all,

I use PHP as the web programming layer, it has a great community and support for such things as XML RPC, which may fit the bill. 


This is my first time posting to this forum and I am very new to PostgreSQL.  I am very excited about using it.  I have set up a database and just need a point in the right direction on interfacing.   I have an orders and messages database.  One of the providers I would like to interface with has sent me an XML spec to make HTTPS posts to.  I am just wondering what would be the easiest thing to use to implement the two.  I would like to scan my database for new orders then do an HTTPS post to the provider.  I would also like to periodically check for new orders/messages from the provider via an HTTPS post and bring them into my database (a constant exchange of information).  I am wondering if something like PHP would be a universal solution, or something similar?


Sorry if the information I have given is basic, I have been doing research on the internet trying to figure out which direction to go and starting off is a little overwhelming.


Thanks in advance for any information


Chris Golden



Re: Interface Guidance and Opinions Needed

"Joshua D. Drake"
   I would like to scan my database for new orders then do an HTTPS
> post to the provider.  I would also like to periodically check for new
> orders/messages from the provider via an HTTPS post and bring them into
> my database (a constant exchange of information).  I am wondering if
> something like PHP would be a universal solution, or something similar?

Well honestly, you have just opened a huge thread because everyone is
going to post an opinion on this. So let me be first :)

I would suggest Python. It has excellent XML parsing capabilities, is an
easy language to learn and is widely used.

PHP is common to use but I find that the better you get at development
the more frustrating PHP becomes.

Other suitable languages are Perl, Ruby and Java. I would stay away from
Java due to complexity and overhead. Perl is a mature but potentially
difficult language to those new to the environment. Ruby is just Perl
with a cleaner overall design.

All have their strengths and weaknesses. You should really use whatever
makes you comfortable.

I hope this was helpful.



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Re: Interface Guidance and Opinions Needed

John DeSoi

On Jun 20, 2006, at 9:54 AM, Chris Golden wrote:

> This is my first time posting to this forum and I am very new to
> PostgreSQL.  I am very excited about using it.  I have set up a
> database and just need a point in the right direction on
> interfacing.   I have an orders and messages database.  One of the
> providers I would like to interface with has sent me an XML spec to
> make HTTPS posts to.  I am just wondering what would be the easiest
> thing to use to implement the two.  I would like to scan my
> database for new orders then do an HTTPS post to the provider.  I
> would also like to periodically check for new orders/messages from
> the provider via an HTTPS post and bring them into my database (a
> constant exchange of information).  I am wondering if something
> like PHP would be a universal solution, or something similar?

PHP is a good choice. It has a nice interface to PostgreSQL and there
is plenty of support for HTTP client applications and XML. Probably
the best bet for HTTPS post is to use the PHP interface to CURL:

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL