I'm trying to make sense of Section 22.1.3 ("Preventing transaction ID
wraparound failures") in the on-line docs to make sure the DB's
autovacuum settings are adequate and are having an effect.
The docs state:
"The age column measures the number of transactions from the cutoff
XID to the current transaction's XID."
"With the standard freezing policy, the age column will start at one
billion for a freshly-vacuumed database."
I don't see numbers larger than 1 billion in my pg_database columns,
though. Can anyone offer any information or pointers to a good on-line
explanation of vacuuming? The database in question is doing about 3M
inserts/day (in about 500K transactions/day) and has been up for a
little more than 3 months.
The database config:
postgres@rs02:~$ egrep autovacuum /data02/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
autovacuum = on # enable autovacuum subprocess?
autovacuum_naptime = 120 # time between autovacuum runs,
in secs
#autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 1000 # min # of tuple updates before
#autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 500 # min # of tuple updates before
#autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.4 # fraction of rel size before
#autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.2 # fraction of rel size before
#autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = -1 # default vacuum cost delay for
#autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = -1 # default vacuum cost limit for
postgres@rs02:~$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql reporting
Welcome to psql 8.1.3, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
reporting=# select version() ;
PostgreSQL 8.1.3 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc
(GCC) 4.0.2 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8)
(1 row)
reporting=# select datname, datvacuumxid, datfrozenxid from pg_database
datname | datvacuumxid | datfrozenxid
postgres | 499 | 499
reporting | 499 | 499
template1 | 499 | 499
template0 | 499 | 499
(4 rows)
reporting=# SELECT datname, age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database ;
datname | age
postgres | 27995112
reporting | 27995112
template1 | 27995112
template0 | 27995112
(4 rows)